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Consumer Behaviour Lecture 3.

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Presentation on theme: "Consumer Behaviour Lecture 3."— Presentation transcript:

1 Consumer Behaviour Lecture 3

2 Consumer Behaviour Research

3 Quantitative Data Qualitative Data

4 Survey Questionnaire Face to Face Survey Telephonic Survey Mail Survey

5 Validity Reliability

6 Questionnaire Disguised Undisguised

7 Two Types of Questions Open ended Closed ended

8 Scale used in closed ended questions

9 Language of Questionnaire
Leading questions Simple words Respondent able to answer Willing to answer Asking two points in one question

10 Research Design It requires three things Instrument Sampling plan
Data collection method

11 Measures – Scales

12 Scales Attitude Scale Likert Scale

13 S. No Statement/ Item 1 It is fun to shop online ---- 2
For each of the following statements, please record the number that best describes the extant to which you agree or disagree with the statement Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree 1 2 3 4 5 S. No Statement/ Item 1 It is fun to shop online ---- 2

14 Scales 2. Satisfaction Measures Very Satisfied Satisfied Neither
Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied 1 2 3 4 5

15 Scales 3. Importance Scale Extremely Important Somewhat Important
Undecided Not Really Important Not at all Important 1 2 3 4 5

16 Scales 4. Semantic Differential Scale

17 Scales 5. Behaviour Intention Scale
How likely are you in continue using A, B or C product for the next 6 months? 1 2 3 4 5 Definitely will continue Probably will continue Might or might not continue Probably will not continue Definitely will not continue

18 Scales 6. Rank Order Scale
Given the following prices (or following quality) which of the product will you like to buy? S. No. Product Rank 1 Product A 2 Product B 4 3 Product C 5

19 The Sampling Design Who will you ask the questions from?
How many people would you be using to get the answers? The first question is about “Sampling Unit” The second question is about “Sample Size” The third issue is how you select these people

20 Concept of Population Census Sampling Frame Two issues Sample size
Representation of population by the sample

21 How to Select Sample? Two methodologies:
Random sampling method (Probability sampling) Non-random sampling method (Non-probability sampling)

22 Regression equation Y = a + b X + E

23 Types of Random Sampling
Simple random sampling Systematic random sampling Cluster sampling Stratified random sampling

24 Types of Non-Random Sampling
Convenience sampling Judgmental sampling Quota sampling

25 Ethical Issues Assure the respondent that the data will be used only for research purpose. No misleading information should be provided i.e. there should not be any misrepresentation to the respondent.

26 Recap

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