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Have your review out!.

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Presentation on theme: "Have your review out!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Have your review out!

2 Vernon Baker Led his men to destroy 3 German machine gun nests, 2 German observation posts, 2 bunkers, and German telephone lines Only 6 of the 25 soldiers survived, him being one Received 8 medals Later receives the congressional medal of honor, that at the time in WWII was not given to African Americans Became one of the first African American to command an all white company


4 What does Vernon Baker’s story say about Civil Rights during WWII?
Do you think he deserved the Congressional Medal of Honor? Why or why not? The President, in the name of Congress, awards the Medal of Honor to the individual who, while as an active member of the Army, distinguishes himself or herself conspicuously, at the risk of his or her life above and beyond the call of duty, by courage and intrepidity. The act justifying award of the medal must be performed while fighting an enemy of the United States, or while involved in conflict with an opposing/foreign force or while serving with friendly foreign forces engaged in combat against an opposing military in which the United States is not a belligerent party. The act or acts of heroism must have required a risk of life and the individual have displayed personal bravery or self-sacrifice so extraordinary as to set the individual apart from his or her comrades.

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