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SMR Nutrient Initiative Group SAG Meeting

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Presentation on theme: "SMR Nutrient Initiative Group SAG Meeting"— Presentation transcript:

1 SMR Nutrient Initiative Group SAG Meeting
October 24, 2018 Matt Yeager, D.Env Senior Flood Control Planner Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District

2 Introduction Santa Margarita River Nutrient Initiative Group: Stakeholder Advisory Group (SAG) 2012 Charter Developed (Prop 84 Funding) Process, Purpose and Organization for Potential Site-Specific Nutrient Objectives, Basin Planning and TMDL Development in the Santa Margarita River Watershed SAG Steering Committee Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) Regulatory Subgroup Administrative Support Facilitator Where Are We Now? Last SAG Meeting May 2018

3 Adaptive Management Handoff SAG/TAC administration from County of San Diego to RCFCWCD Current SAG Focus (Funding?) Wrap-up Phase II of the SMR Nutrient TMDL Alternative Project Investigative Order Other Support Phase III of the Project TAC Meetings Other Committees? Steering Committee Regulatory Subgroup Facilitation

4 Process, Roles, and Responsibilities
Stakeholders, Participants, and Dischargers SAG Chairperson TAC Team Leader Facilitator Decision Making Coordination Decisions Resource Decisions How closely have we followed the Charter Guidelines? Process going forward?

5 Proposed Approach for Phase III
RCFCWCD will chair the SAG meetings RWQCB/SCCWRP to be TAC Team Leader Facilitator is Lewis Michaelson Decision making to follow Charter guidelines Re-evaluate as the need arises Meeting Scheduling Identify monthly “Save the date” timeslots Schedule SAG/TAC meetings on those dates as needed Continue the distribution list

6 Questions/Discussion on Process and Scheduling?

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