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Research Challenge Elizabeth I ASDAN Links:

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1 Research Challenge Elizabeth I ASDAN Links:
Certificate of Personal Effectiveness Award of Personal Effectiveness Skills Development: Research Ref: Orb/0112/000075

2 Research Challenge: Selecting Information
On the next slide you will see facts and information. On your own, read each of the bits of information. Practice your research skills by answering the following questions: Which three pieces of information are the most important? Write these down and be prepared to say why. Which piece of information do you think is the most confusing or difficult to understand? Be prepared to say why. If you had to write a magazine article on the personal life of Elizabeth I, what other information would you need? Orb/0112/000075

3 Elizabeth I Fact Cloud When she was Queen it was known as the Elizabethan Era; Shakespeare, Sir Francis Drake, the Armada. At the time, most of Europe was dominated by the Roman Catholic religion and the Church of England was seen as a threat – this led to war… Her father, Henry VIII, got into such a disagreement with the leader of the Catholic church (the Pope) that he broke away. This led to the birth of the Church of England, the Anglican church. She was known as the Virgin Queen or Good Queen Bess. Daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn, her mother was beheaded when she was two and a half. Queen of England from 17th November 1558 until her death. She did a lot to establish the Church of England. Born 7th September 1533 Died 24th March 1603 Orb/0112/000075

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