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Waves Rocks Fossils Mitosis and Meiosis Genetics.

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Presentation on theme: "Waves Rocks Fossils Mitosis and Meiosis Genetics."— Presentation transcript:



3 Waves

4 Rocks

5 Fossils

6 Mitosis and Meiosis

7 Genetics

8 Ecology

9 Waves Rocks and Minerals Fossils Mitosis and Meiosis Genetics Ecology $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

10 What does most of the Sun’s
energy reach earth as ?

11 Light

12 through a different medium
This is a bending of a wave when it passes through a different medium

13 Refraction

14 What happens to light from a flashlight when it hits a black wall?

15 Absorbed

16 Why can you not hear and see lightening at the same time?

17 Light travels at different speeds
in different mediums

18 What determines the different colors we
see in the light part of the EM spectrum?

19 wavelengths

20 Heat reaches Earth’s surface from the mantle through___________

21 Convection currents

22 Erosion and weathering create new _____________.

23 Sediment

24 Heat from Earth’s interior melts rock allowing
it to form different __________________.

25 Crystal structures

26 What law says the rock layer on the bottom is
oldest And on top is the youngest

27 Law of Superposition

28 Name the 3 types of rock?

29 Sedimentary Metamorphic Igneous

30 Type of rock fossils are usually found in

31 sedimentary

32 What conditions help an organism become a fossil?

33 Having hard parts Quick burial

34 Name 3 kinds of fossils

35 Carbon film Trace Original remains Mold Cast

36 the ______________ age
Finding the exact age of a rock gives the ______________ age

37 Absolute

38 will be found underneath
This principal states that older rock layers will be found underneath younger rock layers

39 Superposition

40 Number of cell divisions in mitosis

41 one

42 Number of chromosomes pairs in human body cells

43 23 pairs

44 When daughter cells are produced through mitosis how much
DNA do they contain?

45 The same as the parent cell

46 to clone a wooly mammoth easily because ____________.
You might not be able to clone a wooly mammoth easily because ____________.

47 It’s difficult to find well preserved genetic material

48 Cell division that creates two genetically identical organisms
occurs in _______________ reproduction.

49 asexual

50 for sexual reproduction?
What process is needed for sexual reproduction?

51 meosis

52 Which process is needed for growth and replacing old cells?

53 mitosis

54 Name the 4 stages of meosis.

55 Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telephase

56 Give an example of a homozygous genotype

57 TT or tt

58 Daily Double!!

59 For the following cross, TT and Tt, (T=tall, t-short)
what percent would be Tall?

60 100%

61 Give 1 example of an abiotic factor in the environment

62 Soil Water sunlight

63 name given to an organism after a living thing dies
What is the name given to an organism that recycles energy after a living thing dies

64 Decomposer

65 What would you find at the top of a food chain?

66 Primary consumer

67 both plants and animals?
What is the term used to describe a consumer that eats both plants and animals?

68 omnivore

69 What type of relationship
is shared between a fig wasp and fig tree?

70 mutualistic

71 Double Jeopardy!!


73 Parts of the Earth

74 Units

75 Change Over Time

76 More Genetics

77 Cells

78 Grab Bag

79 Parts of the Earth Units Change over Time More Genetics Cells Grab Bag $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $600 $600 $600 $600 $600 $600 $800 $800 $800 $800 $800 $800 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000

80 Outer layer of the Earth

81 Crust

82 What are the 2 types of crust?

83 Continental Oceanic

84 how the earth is constantly
Give 1 example of how the earth is constantly changing?.

85 Earthquakes Volcanic eruptions Movement of plates

86 How do temperature and pressure change as you go deeper into the earth?

87 Both increase

88 makes up the majority of the
What element (metal) makes up the majority of the core of the earth?

89 Iron

90 What is the metric unit for mass?

91 gram

92 What is the metric unit for weight?

93 Newton

94 What is the unit for frequency?

95 Hertz

96 used to describe loudness?
What is the unit used to describe loudness?

97 decibels

98 used to describe amount
What is the unit used to describe amount of energy?

99 Joules

100 change in living things
What term is used to describe change in living things over time?

101 Evolution

102 What scientist developed the theory of natural selection?

103 Charles Darwin

104 What term describes a group of living things that are able to reproduce?

105 Species

106 What is a “variation” in a population?

107 Differences in characteristics

108 What happens as genetic variation increases within a species?

109 extinction

110 Who is known as the Father of Genetics?

111 Gregor Mendel

112 How many alleles do you have for each of your traits?

113 2

114 Give an example of a phenotype for eye color.

115 blue Brown Hazel Green

116 Where is DNA located?

117 Nucleus of the cell

118 Give an example of a homozygous recessive genotype

119 tt

120 The center of the cell

121 nucleus

122 with a nuclear membrane
Term used to describe a cell with a nuclear membrane

123 eukaryotic

124 Name 1 difference between plant and an animal cell

125 Cell wall Chloroplast Cell plate in mitosis (plants)

126 Phase that cells are in the majority of cell cycle

127 Interphase

128 Daily Double!!

129 Cells produced in mitosis
Number of Cells produced in mitosis and meiosis

130 Mitosis-2 cells Meiosis-4 cells

131 If you build a road through a forest what does this cause?

132 Habitat fragmentation

133 What will happen to the populations in a forest ecosystem if most
of the Trees are cut down?

134 Populations would decrease

135 Which surface feature is evidence that water used
to move across it?

136 valley

137 Part of the eye that bends to focus light on the retina

138 Lens

139 What term is used to describe repeated echoes?

140 Reverberation

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