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Intro to EEG studies BCS204 Week 2 1/23/2019.

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1 Intro to EEG studies BCS204 Week 2 1/23/2019

2 What EEG can measure Auditory response Visual response
Cognitive development Response to emotions Language processing Perceptual mismatch Task demand Timing of processing Cognitive aging

3 Some possible topics Processing of emotions (visual or auditory) in clinical and typical population Processing of emotions in preschool-aged and school-aged children Attention shift in demanding listening environment Processing of semantic or syntactic anomaly by non-native speakers Face recognition in clinical and atypical populations Timing of processing in young and old populations

4 Some basic terminology
Naming convention of ERPs A letter: P or N A number: latency or the order of peaks Plot: time (ms); amplitude (microvolt)

5 Hoyniak et al. (2018) Emotion processing in atypically developed children Processing of facial emotion by children with callous-unemotional (CU) behaviors Biomarkers of CU behaviors

6 Hoyniak et al. (2018) CU traits:
Deficit in guilt and empathy, shallow affect Difficulties in recognizing facial expression with distress High risk of conduct problems in childhood Smaller activation in amygdala when viewing emotional facial stimuli

7 Hoyniak et al. (2018) ERP N170 Negative-going waveform
Peaked between ms post-stimulus Face recognition Emotion processing: larger amplitude to emotional expressions than neutral stimuli

8 Hoyniak et al. (2018) Predictions: high-level of CU traits  smaller N170 to distress  indicator of poorer emotion processing Task: passive viewing task – just see facial stimuli without making any responses Stimuli: happy face, fearful face, happy upside-down face, fearful upside-down face (48 each; 192 total)

9 Hoyniak et al. (2018) Subjects: 40 preschool children (3-5 yo)
Monolinguals CU traits Excluded subjects receiving social services

10 Hoyniak et al. (2018) Results

11 Hoyniak et al. (2018) Results

12 Hoyniak et al. (2018): Main findings
Correlation of CU traits and N170 to fearful emotion was found. N170 as a biomarker of emotion processing difficulties

13 Yang et al. (under revision)
Goal: to investigate the representation of Mandarin diphthongs in working memory Task: sound monitoring task Press a button when hearing the syllable /ai/ Four types of stimuli: /a/, /u/, /i/, /ai/

14 Yang et al. (under revision)
Conditions: complete mismatch (/u/), partial match (/a/ /i/), and complete match (/ai/) Predictions: Amplitude and latency of N200 modulated by perceptual mismatch with the target  small N200 elicited with complete match but large N200 elicited with complete mismatch Subjects: 22 Mandarin speakers

15 Lab activities: Processing behavioral data
Download sample data from Blackboard (Course materials > Sample behavioral data) Dealing with RT data: Recode the accuracy into 1 (for Y) and 0 (for N) by using “search and replace” Plot a histogram to visualize the raw RT data. What patterns do you find? Create a new column named “logRT” and log-transform the raw RT data Plot a histogram of logRT data. Now what does the data look like?

16 Lab activities: Processing behavioral data
Download sample data from Blackboard (Course materials > Sample behavioral data) Data trimming by subjective criteria: Create a duplicate copy of the whole worksheet Sort the data by raw RT (by ascending order) Delete rows with RTs < 300 ms Sort the data again by descending order Delete rows with RTs > 1500 ms Plot a histogram on the raw RT data again. Does the data show the same pattern before trimming? If yes, then log-transform the data again.

17 Lab activities: Processing behavioral data
Download sample data from Blackboard (Course materials > Sample behavioral data) Basic averaging of RT data (by using Pivot table function): Average logRT (trimmed data) by subjects Average logRT by ItemTypes Average logRT by Groups Create a bar graph for logRT by Groups

18 Lab activities: Processing behavioral data
Download sample data from Blackboard (Course materials > Sample behavioral data) Dealing with accuracy data Recode the accuracy data into 1 (for “Y”) and 0 (for “N”) Average ACC by ItemTypes Average ACC by Groups Average ACC by subjects Create a bar graph for ACC by Groups Create another dataset with “correct only” data.

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