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The ASCA National Model: A Four Year Implementation

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Presentation on theme: "The ASCA National Model: A Four Year Implementation"— Presentation transcript:

1 The ASCA National Model: A Four Year Implementation
American School Counselors Association June 2012 Di Presenters: Dianne Acuña Thompson, Director Galen Reavis, Coordinator

2 Gwinnett County Public Schools
GCPS Demographics Atlanta Urban Fringe 161,000+ students…and growing 0.3% American Indian 29.80% African American 10.5% Asian American 25.1% Hispanic 3.7% Multiracial 30.6% White 100+ Languages 133 Schools 50% Free or Reduced Lunch

3 Goals of this Session. . . To share our story about implementing the ASCA National Model over the past four years To share pitfalls and recommendations for implementation To enhance participants understanding of the ASCA model as a framework for their program. Read the purposes. . .Di We’ll talk a little bit about branding and how to develop the “brand” of your counseling program. We’ll talk a bit about promoting your programs and events with parents and other audiences in the wider community. We have system-level resources and vehicles to support your efforts but you also have options that you can use and may already be using at the local level. We’ll have an opportunity for you to share those great ideas.

4 WHY do you want to implement the model? WHY is it important?
Recommendation #1: WHY WHY do you want to implement the model? WHY is it important?

5 How are students different as a result of the school counseling program?
-shift from service-centered to program-centered for ALL students -Emphasis is on academic success for ALL students not just those that are motivated, supported and ready to learn -answers not only the question “What do school counselors do?” but, more importantly, “How are students different as a result of what we do?”

6 Recommendation #2: Modes Operandi
Implementation of the model is not a program… it’s a way of doing business! Continuous Quality Improvement Filter for programmatic decision making Super G Foundation: Why we have a comprehensive program Delivery: The way we accomplish delivery of a comprehensive program Management: How we know what to address, when to address and provide input from admin & adv. council Accountability: Results over time – answers the ?? “How students are Different as a result of the counseling program” and allows reflection and opportunity for improving indiv. program

7 Recommendation #3: Know the Model
WHAT are the components What do we currently have? What do we need? What results do we want? Super G Foundation: Why we have a comprehensive program Delivery: The way we accomplish delivery of a comprehensive program Management: How we know what to address, when to address and provide input from admin & adv. council Accountability: Results over time – answers the ?? “How students are Different as a result of the counseling program” and allows reflection and opportunity for improving indiv. program

8 Recommendation #4: Garner Support
What supports are needed? ANYONE & EVERYONE!! Superintendent Other key Central Office Personnel Local School Administration Counselors within the district/department Faculty & Staff School Community

9 Rec. #5: Be the Tortoise! Pick a cliché: Slow & steady wins the race
Less is more! You have one chance to get it right… Many hands make light work….

10 Rec #6: Have your ducks in a row!
You must be sure of the path you’re on… Identify obstacles & hazards before they’re a problem If this means delaying… SO BE IT!

11 Rec. #7: Reconvene, Reflect & Regroup
Evaluation & Supports Program Audit review EOY evaluation 21C3 Committee

12 Our story 2007-2008 School Year Summer of 2008 Formulating Ideas
Committee Formed Summer of 2008 Staff Development Committee driven 4 year implementation Di - Gwinnett County Public Schools has developed a system-level “brand” As we develop and reinforce the GCPS brand, you are seeing more consistent use of the school system logo and system colors. You’re hearing key messages about teaching and learning and a quality and effective education for all students. While we could do a whole presentation just on the system brand, for our purposes, I want to point out that by developing a strong and consistent brand as a system, we are reinforcing our reputation as a solid, world-class organization. That known brand or reputation benefits the system, but also our schools and individual departments. If we are a system of world-class schools, then by extension, you have a world-class program in your world-class school. With that in mind, what exactly is a “ brand” and branding and what does it have to do with counseling?

13 Our 4 Year Plan Committee designed Star Levels
Staff development for 350 counselors 21C3 Coordinators for ES, MS & HS Communication Plan Reflection, Revision Marketing/PR Plan Read

14 21st Century Comprehensive Counseling Program
Super G Foundation: Why we have a comprehensive program Delivery: The way we accomplish delivery of a comprehensive program Management: How we know what to address, when to address and provide input from admin & adv. council Accountability: Results over time – answers the ?? “How students are Different as a result of the counseling program” and allows reflection and opportunity for improving indiv. program

15 Our Plan: 21C3 Star Levels Blue Red Silver Gold Millennium Super G

16 Blue Star Level Partnership Agreement Program Audit
3 Counseling Program Goals Master calendar Weekly Calendar “snapshot” Expanded RBES/Closing the Gap Action Plan (Beginning & End of Year Results Report) One per counselor in targeted area: academic, behavior or attendance

17 Blue Star Considerations
Are the goals of your school’s counseling department tied to the school mission? Are the goals: Focused on student achievement Data driven Tied to success indicators & the school improvement plan Is the program proactive & focused on needs of all students? Are you evaluating your program? How? Success Indicators: AYP. For GA = College & Career Readiness Performance Index (CCRPI)

18 Partnership Agreement (a.k.a. Management Agreement)
Ask and listen to the Administrators vision & needs Earn your administrator’s trust. Include tasks that highlight your unique skills & talents Show that you are willing to be challenged Under promise – over perform!! Show strong work ethic Build rapport with administrator(s) Specify Duties & Responsibilities Optional: include times to review/revisit agreement Super G

19 Accessible Visible Calendars Weekly Monthly Yearly 3-5 year Plan
Super G Visible

20 Red Star Level Mission Statement & Philosophy Statement
All Items from Blue Star Level Mission Statement & Philosophy Statement Standards and Competencies Crosswalk Tool Advisory Council GCPS: Impact Over Time S & C = Crosswalk Tool.

21 Advisory Council Work with your Administrator Include all stakeholders
5 W’s: Who, What, Where, When, Why Include all stakeholders Friends and Foes Schedule, Reflect, and Adjust Super G: 5 W’s = Who, What, Where, When, Why

22 Program Goals & Closing the Gap Action Plan
Who writes/approves them? Do they align with school goals? What data are they based on? Included in your Partnership/Management Agreement? When, how & with whom are results shared? Super G

23 Examine Student/School Trends:
Impact Over Time High School Results Reports: Impact Over Time School _______________________________ School Year______________ Date ___________ This information is extremely valuable for school counseling personnel. Collecting these data at the beginning of the school year to creat a baseline from which to measure program results. This allows a review of data trends in all domain areas: academic, career and life skills. Academic year DEMOGRAPHICS # students enrolled % students male % students female % students white % students black % students hispanic % students asian % students multiracial % students other % students free / reduced lunch % students ESOL % students special education ACADEMIC % students graduating Standard A-acquire knowledge, attitude and skill leading to effective learning % students present 165+ school days % students retained in current grade level % 11 grade passing GHSGT Science % 11th grade passing GHSGT Social Studies % 11th grade passing GHSGT Language Arts %11th grade passing GHSGT Mathematics % students qualifying for focus % 10th grade passing Gateway SS % 10th graders passing Gateway Science Average SAT scores-total Average ACT score-total # Students taking PSAT # 9th grade students taking PSAT # 10th grade students taking PSAT # 11th grade students taking PSAT # students taking AP course # minority students taking AP courses # students taking AP exams # students scoring 3,4,5 # academic lessons taught CAREER DEVELOPMENT Standard A-acquire the skills to investigate the world of work in relation to knowledge of self and ake informed career decisions # career lessons taught # peer mediation sessions conducted # students completing career interest inventories LIFE SKILLS Standard B-acquire the attitudes, knowledge and interpersonal skills to help them understand and respect self and others # students in-school suspension # students out-of-school suspension # Referrals within GCPS System # Other Community Agency Referrals # DFACS referrals # students served in small groups Parent Involvement # parents attending parent workshops # parent workshops offered # parents attending curriculum night Please note: If activity not listed, add additional category lines. If category does not apply , indicate with N/A Counselors: Principal: Assistant Principals: Examine Student/School Trends: Demographics Academics Career Life Skills Parent Involvement Super G

24 Silver Star Level Min.3 lesson unit All Items from Red Star Level
Classroom Guidance Curriculum Plan Min.3 lesson unit Classroom Guidance Curriculum Results CG Template Include evaluation – Process, Perception & Results Data

25 Classroom Guidance Curriculum
Why did you choose this topic/curriculum? How will you know if it’s effective? With whom will you share the results? How is the current topic advertised? How is the current topic reinforced? Super G

26 Gold Star Level All Items from Silver Star Level
One Small Group Curriculum – Min. of 4 sessions Small Group Session Template Small Group Curriculum Results

27 Small Group Curriculum
How was the group topic chosen? Goals of the small group curriculum? Share ALL the data Process Perception Results Super G

28 Millennium Level All Star Levels RAMP Requirements
Presentation to Advisory Council including a Board Member

29 Annual Counselor Recognition
National School Counselor Week Promotional Materials

30 Where do we go from here? Annual Submissions
One Expanded RBES goal Partnership Agreements Impact Over Time S & C Crosswalk Tool 21C3 Counseling Department Review Rubric School Visits (3 year cycle) Visits = 45 schools per year

31 Elbow Partner Activity
Take 1 Where are you in the process? What’s missing from your program? What road blocks may you encounter? Who can help you mitigate these issues? Di

32 Data…data…data…..!!! School counselors must collect data that support and link the school counseling programs to students’ academic a success. Speak Administrator’s Data language Tie results back to goals

33 Data Collection DATA LANGUAGE!!! School Report Card
Principal’s Vision f0r counseling Needs Assessment Faculty Student Parent Community Event Feedback & Evaluation Program Audit Use of Time Daily report Calendar Know Your Administrator’s DATA LANGUAGE!!!

34 Elbow Partner Activity
Take 2 Brainstorm some resources in your county/district/school that you may not have tapped into at this point. Di

35 Q & A

36 Contact Information Gwinnett County Public Schools Office of Advisement & Counseling 437 Old Peachtree Road, NW Suwanee, GA Dianne Thompson, Director Galen Reavis, Coordinator

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