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Reasons cultures have governments

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1 Reasons cultures have governments
Iroquois Government Reasons cultures have governments Bring order Unite the people Protect rights Provide protection Makes laws Help the culture to survive

2 2. The Iroquois government was called the Confederacy.
3. The five original Iroquois tribes were the Seneca, Cayugas, Onondagas, Oneidas, and Mohawks. 4. The Confederacy was formed to bring reform and peace

3 5. Reform = change for the better
6. The Confederacy was a representative government. 7. Representative government = a government in which the people have a say

4 8. Levels of government Rule = each level of government handles its own affairs, but must follow the rules of the level above it Iroquois United States Confederacy National Tribe State Village Local Clan

5 9. The Confederacy chiefs were men.
10. To be a chief you had to be in the right clan (family) 11. The Confederacy chiefs were chosen and removed by the women. 12. A Confederacy chief was in office for life.

6 13. Vocabulary words Pine Tree Chiefs = advisors (could not vote). Input = ideas from the people. Authority figure = person in power who makes the decisions Debate = arguments for and against Majority = one over half Vote = Formally give approval or disapproval Veto = Vote no (Onondagas had the power) Override the veto = cancel the vote

7 14. The Confederacy had to have a unanimous decision.
15. Unanimous = all in agreement 16. Advantages of unanimous decision making a) bind nations together if all agree b) everyone had a say c)decisions had wide support

8 17. Disadvantages of unanimous decision making
a) sometimes impossible to get a decision b) took too long

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