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Honors English Mrs. Novotny

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1 Honors English Mrs. Novotny
1984 Honors English Mrs. Novotny

2 Day 1: Sit in your Color Groups
SWBAT: Understand the controversy of “fake news.” Turn in Project for NIGHT AoW Read Annotate Two paragraphs summary Two paragraphs reflection (takes the place of daily reflection)

3 Day 2: Sit in your Number Groups
SWBAT: Share their opinions of ”fake news” as well as learn new vocabulary for 1984. 1984 Vocab Check out 1984 AoW discussion Reflection: What were some of the most interesting ideas that came from the AoW discussion?

4 1984 Vocab sanguine sordid nebulous orthodoxy heresy inexorably odious
din tremulous entrails

5 Things to look for in Pt 1 (the first 8 chapters)
Symbols: Cold Ulcer Big Brother Dreams/Dreaming Doublethink The paperweight Characters Girl O’Brien Mrs. Parsons Syme The Proles The lady of the night Katherine Thought Police Themes When individual thought is compromised, all hope is lost It is necessary to have the freedom to express physical love and desires Hate can be a driving force of destruction Places The Golden Country The Chestnut Tree Café The Antique Shop Bedroom above Antique Shop The place with no darkness

6 Day 3: Sit in your Sticker Groups
SWBAT: understand the significance of a thoughtcrime. RQ Journal Discussion Reflection: Do you think that the party is inside of Winston’s head? He says that Thoughtcrime is death, but what does that mean to him as far as writing in his diary? Are Winston’s memories his memories?

7 Pt 1 Ch 1-2 RQ Which branch of party security does Winston feel is the only ones that mattered? What is ironic about everything that surrounds Winston beginning with the name “victory”? How does Winston feel initially about the girl from the fiction department? Which inner party member does Winston feel that he could possibly talk with? What happened to the people who watched the “two minutes of hate”? War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength are what? What does Winston writing repeatedly in his diary? Who was at the door? How does Mrs. Parson’s feel about her children? What does Winston say thought crime is?

8 Pt 1 Ch 1-2 RQ Key Thought police
Nothing is victorious/everything is falling apart/everything is in a various state of decay He hates her/he wants to rape and murder her O’Brien The became angry/hated Goldstein/threw shoes at the screen/loved BB Party slogans Down with Big Brother Mrs. Parsons She is afraid of them Death

9 Journal #1 On page 7, Winston struggles with the significance of the ability to write. He reflects, “for the first time the magnitude of what he had undertaken came home to him. How could you communicate with the future? It was of its nature impossible.” What do you do to communicate with the future? In the age of digital media, few memories are printed on paper (photos/letters/etc.). Long gone are family albums where photos were dated and sealed in plastic sheets. Love letters have been replaced with facetime and texts. How do we preserve our reality for future generations? Do you think that in some ways we too believe our lives are victorious, but in fact they are anything but?

10 Discussion Ch 1-2 Symbols: Characters Themes Cold Ulcer Big Brother
Girl O’Brien Mrs. Parsons Themes Importance of individual thought Importance of sexuality Power of hate

11 Day 4: Sit in your Color Groups
SWBAT: understand Winston’s internal struggle with his memories and his reality. RQ Journal Discussion Reflection: What is Winston’s role in spreading “fake news”? How do you feel about the ease that he does this?

12 Pt 1 Ch 3-4 RQ What is Winston’s belief about his mother?
Whoever controls the past controls the ______________. Whoever controls the present controls the _____________. What was the lie that the party told about aviation? What happens when Winston stops doing his exercises? What is ironic about Winston’s primary job at the Ministry of Truth? What is an unperson? Who was Comrade Ogilvy?

13 Pt 1 Ch 3-4 RQ Key She died so that he could live Future Past
The party invented airplanes The instructor yells at him through the telescreen He works in the ministry of truth but tells lies/changes the truth to favor BB Someone who has been vaporized A fake person that Winston invented to make BB look successful

14 Journal #2 Could you work for a company that went against your moral beliefs? What if that was your only choice of employment? When are we all forced to keep our true feelings hidden in order to remain part of the society from which we belong?

15 Discussion THE TRUTH?????? Family Past Job Statistics
How weak minded are we???? Why were we so quick to believe the 30 seconds of a video? Has this sort of selective media become too familiar in our world?

16 Day 5: Sit with your Number Groups
SWBAT: understand the idea of being alive. RQ Journal Discussion Reflection: How do you feel about the shrinking of their language? What happens when people can no longer verbally share what has happened to them? What happens when we can no longer read what is written?

17 Pt 1 Ch 5 RQ What does Syme specialize in?
When language is narrowed, what can the government most easily do to its people? What location does Winston refer to as “ill-omened”? Who is Mr. Parsons? Why is Mr. Parsons proud of his daughter? According to Winston, everything that he remembered had decreased in rations except for this thing. What does Winston suspect about the girl from the fiction department after they made eye contact? How are children able to successfully spy on other people?

18 Ch 5 RQ Key Newspeak Control them/make them more likely to obey
The Chestnut Tree Café Winston’s neighbor/Winston’s co-worker She turned someone in to the thought police Gin She is following him They listen through key holes

19 Journal #3 Think about the changes that have happened to communication in the last fifty years. What roles do the increase in social media and texting contrast with the decrease of letter writing and phone calls. Do we speak in fragments? Are we losing the art of language? What about the way that we write? Most students only get one year of cursive instruction, and then are never asked to write in cursive again. When we lose the ability to read cursive, how can we read documents that are written in cursive (i.e. The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution). Will we be able to actually prove that the words that are typed as those documents are really from those documents if we can no longer read them?

20 Winston’s Reactions to the Girl in the Fiction Department
Look on pages 15 and 61 and compare/contrast the descriptions that Orwell uses to demonstrate the feelings that Winston has towards this woman. Dig deeply. Why do you think that he is having such a strong physical reaction to thinking of her and seeing her?

21 Day 6: Sit in your Sticker
SWBAT: Understand Winston's desire for feeling human. RQ Journal (maybe..) Discussion Reflection:  Is change really possible, or do you think that we are like the proles?  Is it sometimes okay to be living in a world where we are unaware of how things really are?  Are you okay with being a prole?

22 Pt 1 Chapter 6-7 RQ According to the party, what was the only purpose of sexual intercourse? What group did the party organize to spread negative sexual propaganda? How did Katherine feel about being intimate with Winston? Why does Winston visit the prostitute?  (not for sex per-say) How does Winston feel about himself after visiting the prostitute? Complete this sentence:  If there is hope it lies in the _________. What is the only way for the party to fall? Why does the party not seem to care much about the proles? What freedom do the proles have that Winston doesn't? Why does Winston believe that Jones, Aaronson, and Rutherford were important to remember? Who does Winston believe is the key to understanding and rebelling? Finish this sentence:  Freedom is the freedom to say that _________.  If that is granted, all else follows.

23 Pt 1 Ch 6-7 RQ To conceive children for the party Jr Anti-Sex League
She hated it/it was her duty for the party He wanted the illusion of a relationship/it was an act of rebellion Dirty Proles The proles must become conscious and they must organize a rebellion They are like animals/they are stupid and insignificant They do not have telescreens They are his connection to the past.  He saw a picture and them in person, but now according to the party, they never existed O'Brien 2+2=4

24 Journal #4 Do you think that we as a society take pride in changing our reality?  Mrs. Novotny refuses to take a selfie unless it is in Instagram or Snapchat because she can make herself look 10 years younger with the help of a simple filter.  Programs like Photoshop exist because we want to be able to alter a person's skin, or surroundings, or crop someone we don't like out and place someone we do like in.  What does this do to the past if our present is an altered version of what really happened?

25 Chapter 6-7 Discussion.  With your table group discuss the following diary entries.  What is the real desire that Winston has for each of these events?  Why write about them?  Why does he need proof? Prostitute Hope with the proles Consciousness Capitalism Poem Freedom

26 Day 7: Sit with your Color Groups
SWBAT: Understand the importance of remembering the past RQ PT 2 Topics Journal (maybe…) Discussion Reflection:  What internal struggle do you see with Winston in this chapter?  What about the lack of respect for humanity that Winston has compared with his need for understanding what it is to be human?

27 Pt 1 Chapter 8 RQ What does Winston do to the bloody prole hand stump?
Who controlled the lottery? What is frustrating about the conversation between the old prole man and Winston for both of them? What does Winston realize about what the Prole remember or don't remember? What does Winston buy from the Antique Shop? What was wrong with the bed in the bedroom above the Antique Shop? What was unusual about the picture frame in the bedroom above the Antique Shop? What does Mr. Charrington remember more of that Winson could not earlier? Who does Winston believe was following him? What was one of the things that Winston fantasized about doing to the girl if he was going to approach her? Where does Winston know that he will meet O'Brien? Who is always watching him?

28 Pt 1 ch 8 RQ Key Kicks it into the gutter The party
Neither one understands the other They don't remember things that don't directly apply to themselves/remember their interactions, not their sufferings A paperweight It has bugs in it It is bolted to the wall More of the words to the poems/fact that the poem is about the churches in London Girl from the fiction department Raping her/smash her skull with a cobblestone In the place with no darkness BB

29 Part II Notes Topics Symbols Jr. AntiSex League Sash Color White
Characters Winston Julia Mr. Charrington O'Brien Themes People endure extreme hardships in the name of love It is necessary to have freedom and security Brotherhood means different things to different people Places Golden Country Rented Room O'Brien's apartment The place with no darkness The Handout for Chapters 9-10 Symbols Jr. AntiSex League Sash Color White Physical touch Rats Bugs Paperweight Poem W's nightmare Ulcer

30 Journal #5 What is the value of remembering?  What are memories?  How do we capture our memories?  What happens if we don't have any permanent objects (souvenirs) can we actually prove that our memories exist?  Aren’t our memories versions of the truth? And if so, how can we prove that the truth exists?

31 Pt 1 Chapter 8 discussion Turn to page 102 and read from "It was after twenty-four hours when he got back..." to the end of chapter 8.   Discuss the following elements:   Thought Police Moments of crisis Moments of life Winston's future The place with no darkness Big Brother What is the feeling that we have at the end of part 1?  

32 Day 8: Sit with your Number Groups
SWBAT: understand the significance of love. RQ Journal Discussion Reflection:  Do you think that Winston and Julia will ever be able to find true love?  If you have never experienced (or remember an experience) an emotion, can you fully grasp it's magnitude?  How are Winston and Julia more like adolescents than like adults as far as their "love" is concerned?

33 Pt 2 Chapter 1-2 RQ What is wrong with the girl from the fiction department? What was written on the note that the girl gives Winston? What was the first physical contact that Winston and the girl shared in the square? What was different about the landscape at the rendezvous spot? What treat did Julia bring to Winston? Why does Julia say that she was attracted to Winston? Where are they, according to Winston's dream? Why is Winston attracted to Julia? What does Winston feel that "relations" with Julia represented?

34 Pt 2 Chapter 1-2 RQ Key Her arm is a sling "I love you"
They held hands for a second It was beautiful, full of flowers, peaceful, birds, etc Chocolate She could tell that Winston hated BB The Golden Country She is not pure It was a political act against the party/rebellion

35 Journal What does it mean to say "I love you"?  Are love and lust connected?  Do people say they love each other without actually meaning it?  Why/why not?

36 Pt 2 Chapter 2-3 Discussion
Love vs Sex.... and go..... Fairy Tale vs Reality..... and go...

37 Day 9: Sit with your Sticker Groups
SWBAT: understand the differences between "real" and "artificial." RQ Journal Discussion Reflection:  Do you think that Winston has a realistic expectation about his relationship with Julia?

38 Pt 2 Chapter 3-4 RQ What does Julia refer to the broken way that she and Winston must communicate as? According to the party, why were sexual impulses and having a family dangerous? What is Winston's one regret regarding his wife, Katherine? Where does Winston rent out a room? Why does Julia put on make-up and perfume? What is wrong with the bed? What is Winston's greatest fear? What does Winston feel the paperweight symbolizes?

39 Pt 2 Ch 3-4 RQ Key Talking installments
Show affection or care about something other than the party Not pushing her off the cliff Above Mr. Charrington's antique shop She wants to feel like a woman It has bugs in it Rats Coral=Julia and Winston, Glass=eternal love

40 Journal #7 Think about the differences between "real" and "artificial."  There were many things in this reading that were labeled as "real."  What does "real" mean to you?  Is "artificial" necessarily a bad thing?

41 Pt 2 Ch 3-4 Discussion Real vs Artificial.....

42 Day 10: Sit in your Number Groups
SWBAT: debate the importance of freedom and security RQ Journal Discussion Reflection:  Can freedom and security exist together within Winston and Julia's relationship?  How/Why/Not??

43 Pt 2 Ch 5-6 RQ What has happened to Syme?
What is happening to the bugs? What has changed with Winston's ulcer? According to Julia, who invented airplanes? Where is the only place that real evidence can exist? Why does Winston need evidence? Who wants to meet with Winston? What is their excuse to meet outside of work? What does Winston understand about his future now that he has this secret meeting planned?

44 Pt 2 Ch 5-6 RQ Key He has been vaporized They are multiplying
It no longer bothers him—healing The party In your mind For the future O'Brien Give him a new copy of the newspeak dictionary He will end up in the Ministry of Love/he will die

45 Journal #8 What is the importance of being comfortable?  Why do we seek comfort in relationships, in our jobs, in our lives?  What happens when we feel comfortable, and then our security is threatened or our lives are suddenly less secure?

46 Pt 2 Ch 5-6 Discussion Freedom vs Security  

47 Day 11: Sit in your Number Groups
SWBAT:  understand the value of trust and love and those relationships to the ideas of being a hero. RQ Journal Discussion Reflection:  Do you think that Winston should continue on his quest for knowledge and understanding, even if he knows that this is going to kill him?  Why do people go towards danger instead of running from it?

48 Pt 2 Ch 7-8 RQ What does Winston realize about himself as a child?
What does Winston realize about his mother when he was a child? What does Winston realize about the Proles? What does Winston believe is the only thing that the party cannot take from him and Julia? What is O'Brien's position in the party? What can O'Brien do that Winston cannot do? What do Winston and Julia swear an oath to? What is O'Brien going to send to Winston? Finish this line:  We are the ___________. Where will Winston meet O'Brien?

49 Pt 2 Ch 7-8 RQ Key He was selfish and greedy
She loved him and sacrificed herself for his safety They are human Their love Inner Party Turn off telescreen Swear an oath to the Brotherhood The Book Dead In the place with no darkness

50 Journal #9 What does it mean to be a hero?  Can heroes be everyday people?  What determines if someone is not heroic?  Can people pretend to be a hero?  Do people view those whom they care about more or less like heroes?

51 Pt 2 Ch 4-8 For each of the characters in the boxes below, argue what makes them heroic or not heroic. Proles Winston Parsons O’Brien Syme Discuss with your group the connections that may exist between each of the characters.  What do each of the value and how do they show what they are passionate about?

52 Day 12: Sit in your Sticker Groups
SWBAT:  understand The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism by Emanuel Goldstein. Reading Guide SSR Reflection:  What were some of the connections that you made between "the book" and our society as a whole?

53 Day 13: Sit in your Number Groups
SWBAT:  understand the significance and connections of "the book" to our society, as well as make predictions for the final section of the novel. RQ Notes topics part 3 Journal Discussion Reflection:  What were your greatest take-aways from today's discussion?  Do you think that we are also the dead?  

54 Notes Topics Part 3 Symbols Mirrors The Golden Country Dreaming Tears
Characters O'Brien Julia Themes In the face of pain, there are no heroes There are no facts outside of your memories We are the dead Places Prison Cell Torture Chamber Room 101 Chestnut Tree Cafe

55 Pt 2 Chapter 9-10 Reading Quiz
Which society is made up of Northern Europe and the Asiastic land mass? Which society is made up of the Americas, Atlantic Isles, Australia and the southern part of Africa? Which society is made up of China and Japan? During his speech at Hate Week, the orator of the inner party said that Oceania was never at war with ____; they had always been at war with ______. The purpose of modern war is for _______. What was one of the two aims of the party? Where is Oceania’s capital? According to Winston, who does the future belong to? How did Mr. Charrington betray Julia and Winston? What happened to the paperweight?

56 Chapter 9-10 RQ Key Eurasia Oceania Eastasia Eurasia, Eastasia
Labor power/land control/natural resources Conquer whole surface land, extinguish independent thought There isn’t one The proles He was an officer of the thought police/he turned them in It was destroyed/it is now insignificant

57 Journal #10 Do you think that it is a good thing or a bad thing that we are kept in the dark about many circumstances involving national security?  What about the misleading impact that the media can have on actual events?  Do you think that you can believe anything that anyone tells you, and if so, what is the value of trust and truth?

58 Ah-ha's about "the book"???

59 The future for Winston and Julia???
Clues??? End of Pt 2 discussion???

60 Day 14: Sit in your Sticker Groups
SWBAT: understand the internal struggle that Winston and debate where his loyalties should lie. RQ Journal Discussion Reflection:  How do you feel about O'Brien?  Is he a good guy?  Why do you think that Winston still feels hope when he thinks about, or talks with O'Brien?

61 Pt 3 Chapter 1 RQ Where does Winston believe that he is?
How did the party prisoners differ from the prole prisoners? Where does Winston know he will meet with O'Brien? Who does else has been arrested that Winston knows from work? What room brings absolute terror to the prisoners? What does Winston realize about O'Brien?

62 Pt 3 Chapter 1 RQ Key Ministry of Love
Party=Silent and terrified; Prole=Didn't seem to care In the place with no darkness Parsons/Ampleforth Room 101 He has betrayed him/he is not a member of the brotherhood

63 Journal #11 Respond to this statement:  "In the face of pain, there are no heroes."  What does this mean to Winston?  What does this mean to you?

64 Discussion Pt 3 Chapter 1 Hope vs. Betrayal
Should Winston still believe that O'Brien can save him?

65 Day 15: Sit in your Number Groups
SWBAT: debate the concept of reality. RQ Journal Discussion Reflection:  Why is purification so important to the party?  Is this also a value that we hold true in our society?  

66 Pt 3 Chapter 2 RQ Why can't Winston move at the beginning of the chapter? According to Winston, what was the real weapon? How does Winston feel about O'Brien? What is O'Brien's goal for Winston? Where is the only place that reality exists, according to O'Brien? According to O'Brien, 2+2=_______. What will happen to Winston in the end? What is the final step to Winston's cure? What did Julia do, according to O'Brien?

67 Part 3 Chapter 2 RQ Key He is strapped down onto a bed
Endless questioning He doesn't know if he is his friend or enemy, but he thinks he may be his tormentor, protector, inquisitor, friend Cure him/make him perfect Inside the human mind It doesn't matter, it's whatever the party says it is He will die He must love BB She betrayed him

68 Journal #12 Do you agree or disagree with O'Brien that reality only exists in the mind of the individual?  Why/Not?  How can one prove what reality is or isn't?

69 O'Brien Is he a good guy? Is Winston crazy?
What determines sanity?  Is it statistical? Go back to page 103?  Does Winston already know what his future holds?  Has he always known?

70 Day 16: Sit in your Sticker Groups
SWBAT: understand the significance of power. RQ Journal Discussion Reflection:  Do you feel like Winston is being tortured or do you feel like he is being cured?  What does the significance of holding power over someone else draw O'Brien to do?  Or do you think that Winston has all of the power?  Is he the last man?

71 Part 3 Chapter 3 RQ What is one of the three stages of Winston's reintegration? Who wrote "the book"? According to Winston and O'Brien's conversation, what is significant about the idea of power? What does O'Brien call Winston? What does Winston see when he looks at himself in the mirror? What is the one thing that Winston has not done?

72 Part 3 Chapter 3 RQ Key Learning, Understanding, Acceptance O'Brien
The party is only interested in power for itself, power is not a means it is an end, power is only a word, power is a collective, the real power is the power over men, the real power happens through suffering The last man A gray skeleton-like thing, doesn't recognize himself, full of scars and sores, partially balk, curved spine, someone who looked diseased Betrayed Julia

73 Journal #13 What is so important about the word "Power" or the idea of "Power"?  Why do we spend so much time worrying about who has power over us, or what we can do to achieve more power?  Is having ultimate power a good thing?  

74 Discussion The purpose of power????
What does it mean to be the "last man"?

75 Day 17: Sit in your Number Groups
SWBAT: debate about whether or not Winston should love Big Brother. RQ Discussion Reflection:  Do you think that Winston is cured?  Who won?  In life are there really winners and losers, or are there just those who choose to more easily conform?

76 Part 3 Ch 4-6 RQ How has Winston's physique changed?
What has changed about Winston's new reality? What room does Winston visit? What awaited Winston in this room? What does Winston scream in his last moments of desperation? Where is Winston sitting in the last chapter of the novel? What does Winston know about the party and a human's brain? How does Winston feel about Julia? Why does Winston cry at the end? What was Winston's final victory?

77 Part 3 Chapters 4-6 RQ Key He is gaining weight, exercising, better food, ulcer is healing He knows that he cannot fight against the party 101 Rats Do it to Julia!!!! Chestnut Tree Café They can get inside of you He has no desires for her, he wants to be away from her, he is not attracted to her any longer He can never have any love other than the love for Big Brother He loves BB

78 Respond to this poem. How does this connect to Winston
Respond to this poem. How does this connect to Winston? How does this connect to us? "God grant us the serenity to accept the things we cannot change, the courage to change the things we can, and the wisdom to know the difference."

79 So Serenity????? Where does Winston find Peace?
War is Peace Freedom is Slavery Ignorance is Strength

80 Foreshadowing: Haven't we always known???
Pg 287 Go back to 55, 77, etc... If Winston has always known, then why does he fight?  Why doesn't he want to be part of society?  Is Winston the enemy or is a hero?  How do we know who is on our side, or which side we should be on?  Why do we have more questions about the philosophy of life than we did at the beginning?  Why does Mrs. Novotny's head hurt???  

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