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The Wisconsin Global Education Achievement Certificate

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1 The Wisconsin Global Education Achievement Certificate
Gerhard Fischer, DPI Laura Koebel, Plymouth High School

2 Before there was the GEAC, there was this…
Plymouth High School. Started in 2010. Wanted a way to recognize students who were interested in global issues and deliberately participated in classes and activities with global focus Inspired by University School of Milwaukee and UW- Madison’s Global Cultures Certificate Used existing classes and clubs to develop certificate Searched area resources for cultural events This Plymouth High School certificate has the same basic requirements as the Wisconsin GEAC.

3 GEAC Rationale Strengthen world language education. Wisconsin, national, international world language education requirements. Are we good enough? How can we make sure that global education is embedded in all curricular areas? (examples here) How are school culture, community expectations, and career demands related? Will we get to the point of 100% enrollment in WL education?

4 The Wisconsin Global Scholar
Global Scholars are globally competent students as defined by the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO): Global Competence is the capacity and disposition to understand and act on issues of global significance. In: Educating for Global Competence: Preparing Our Youth to Engage the World.

5 First Globals First Globals tend to be much more open to diversity and a global world view than older Americans or young people their age decades ago: “They want a foreign policy as inclusive and embracive as they are. They expect impediments to trade to be removed so they can shop anywhere, and they want developing countries and their peoples protected from predatory multinational corporations and fiscal policies that hold the world’s poorest people ransom. For First Globals, the American Century is already over and the Whole Earth Century has begun.” (John Zogby 2008)

6 Wisconsin First Globals
Wisconsin’s First Globals are in our schools right now. They are not identified as a group, but they have shared interests: “I learned about the new Wisconsin Global Education Achievement Certificate [and] jumped at the opportunity to pursue it. It is something that would give me an identity within the school, and it would not even require additional courses.” Madison West High School Student in an to her principal. The principal called her to his office and discussed the GEAC with her.

7 Wisconsin’s Youth Summits
UW Madison, February 2013 Video Oregon High School, December 14, 2013 UW Milwaukee, February 2014

8 The Global Education Achievement Certificate (GEAC)
Focuses and validates the excellent global education learning opportunities already in place in most school districts. Encourages students to enroll in classes with global content in the arts, sciences, and humanities. Prepares globally competent students who are career ready in Wisconsin and beyond. The Wisconsin Global Education Achievement Certificate Policy

9 Requirements A Coursework in a world language (4 credits) and other courses with strong global implications and analyses. Students must pass all courses with a grade of B or higher. B Independent reviews/reflections on at least eight (8) works of international/cultural media, including at least four (4) books (fiction and non-fiction). C Co-curricular and Other School-Sponsored Activities. D Community Service: A minimum of twenty (20) hours of work connected to a global community or to a global issue.

10 State Approval and Local Control
Schools need to submit their plan for the GEAC to the DPI. (Approval form here) Once approved, schools and school districts are authorized to administer the program locally. They may award the distinction of Wisconsin Global Scholar to students who have successfully completed all requirements. Schools appoint a coordinator for the GEAC who tracks student progress and serves as an advisor for this program.

11 Voluntary Participation
School participation in the GEAC program is voluntary. Participation in the GEAC program is anticipated to grow over time. Leadership by example will encourage more schools to participate. DPI will develop a website to share positive examples and success stories similar to the Global Wisconsin project.

12 Endorsements The Wisconsin Global Education Achievement Certificate has been endorsed by: The State Superintendent’s Statewide International Education Council The Wisconsin Association for Language Teachers (WAFLT) Global Wisconsin, Inc. The Wisconsin Association of School District Administrators (WASDA) The Association of Wisconsin School Administrators (AWSA) The Wisconsin Association of School Curriculum Directors (WASCD) The Wisconsin School Board Association (WASB) Wisconsin Manufacturing and Commerce (WMC) The Wisconsin Technology Council

13 Media Coverage and National Recognition
Wisconsin Public Radio Wisconsin State Journal Education Week “Wisconsin will start to offer high school students a Global Education Achievement Certificate to those who successfully complete coursework and co-curricular experiences that foster the development of global competencies. This is the first program of its kind.”

14 Needs Statements
School administrators and community leaders in support of international education. What Wisconsin’s employers say: and-disciplinary-literacy/home/what-wisconsin-s- employers-say

15 Information Contact: Gerhard Fischer,
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction

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