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Elements of Music Silence - The absence of sound.

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2 Elements of Music Silence - The absence of sound.
Rhythm - Organization of sound in time. Pulse or beat, tempo, meter, syncopation, patterns. Melody - Succession of sounds that belong together. Pitch, conjunct or disjoint motion, melodic shape, range, tessitura, organized by phrases, major and minor scales, accidentals, tonality (key), atonality.

3 Elements of Music Harmony - Simultaneous sounds, typically organized within the framework of a tonality. Triad, chord, scale degree, tonic, dominant, sub-dominant. Texture - Number of melodic lines and the quality of relationship among multiple melodic lines. Monophonic, homophonic, or polyphonic Timbre - Quality or color of sound.

4 Elements of Music  Phrasing – The expressive shaping or manner of execution of melodic lines. Text - Poetry, prose, or syllables. Expression - Tempo, dynamic, and articulation of sound. Slow, fast, piano, forte, accent.

5 Elements of Music Communication – Meaningful transmission of ideas.
Form - Overall organization of sound into a coherent whole, often based on repetition or contrast. Binary (AB), ternary (ABA), rondo (ABACA), bridge (ABACABA), fugue, theme and variations.

6 Elements of Music How some music educator’s sometimes think about,
structure their rehearsal time, and generally prepare their ensemble’s performance

7 Elements of Music What the audience often expects
from the ensemble’s performance

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