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Update on the JLEIC pCDR

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1 Update on the JLEIC pCDR
pCDR-65 FY18 delivery and pCDR-100 FY19 development Todd Satogata CASA Accelerator Division JLEIC Collaboration Meeting April 1-3, 2019

2 Deliver pre-CDR to Jefferson Lab leadership by end FY18 Objectives
One Year Ago… Deliver pre-CDR to Jefferson Lab leadership by end FY18 Objectives Document a JLEIC self-consistent design Update, integrate, expand previous documents Document enough detail for reasonable costing Establish infrastructure to maintain consistency Establish documentation trail and reference tech note series Balance deliverable scope with resources Meta-objective Establish team and infrastructure for anticipated CDR

3 Deliver pre-CDR to Jefferson Lab leadership by end FY18 Objectives
End of FY18 Deliver pre-CDR to Jefferson Lab leadership by end FY18 Objectives Document a JLEIC self-consistent design Update, integrate, expand previous documents Document enough detail for reasonable costing Establish infrastructure to maintain consistency Establish documentation trail and reference tech note series Balance deliverable scope with resources Meta-objective Establish team and infrastructure for anticipated CDR Objectives Achieved!!

4 Overview JLEIC pCDR-65 JLEIC pCDR-100
Draft delivered end FY18 to JLab Leadership 100 GeV hadron complex, = 65 GeV 408pp 12 chapters, 2 appendices Consistent with August 2018 costing exercise JLEIC pCDR-100 Draft in development, due late April 2019 200 GeV hadron complex, = 100 GeV A full-document revision of pCDR-65 ~400pp 12 chapters, 1 appendix Cost-neutral relative to pCDR-65 All machines updated except ion sources Over 35 contributors, over 10 reviewers

5 pCDR-65 Chapters 1-2 Chapter 1 Chapter 2
Essentials of facility motivation and context Design capabilities and comparison to requirements (e.g. white paper) Luminosity curves Facility high-level overview Site plan Document structure and overview Chapter 2 Nuclear physics motivations Reiteration of white paper requirements Emphasis on nuclear femtography Extended physics requirements Justification for high luminosity motivation

6 pCDR-65 Chapter 3 Chapter 3 Fundamental design goals Design concepts
Luminosity Polarization High-level performance table

7 pCDR-65 Chapters 4-5 Chapters 4-5 Core machine design chapters
Electron and ion complexes Sources and transport lines Collider rings Chromatic control schemes Multipole tracking tolerances DA for electron top-off Polarization spin rotators, spin control

8 pCDR-65 Chapter 6 Chapter 6 Staged electron cooling concept
Advantage of new ion complex Three separate coolers Conventional low-energy DC cooler State-of-the-art high energy DC cooler Collider ERL cooler ERL-cooler specific components e.g. harmonic kicker

9 pCDR-65 Chapter 7 Chapter 7 Interaction region requires separate chapter Design concept including forward tagging Authored by IR working group Includes accelerator, nuclear physics Includes MDI

10 pCDR-65 Chapter 8 Chapter 8 Beam dynamics relevant to collider complex and luminosity goals Synchronization Crabbing dynamics and tolerances Beam-beam and collective effects Including gear changing

11 pCDR-65 Chapters 9-10 Chapters 9-10 Technical and conventional systems
Systems engineering Component preliminary designs Subsystem counts, infrastructure estimates Site utilities and code requirements

12 pCDR-65 Chapters 11-Appendices
Cryogenic requirement estimates Heat loads and plant subsystems ESH Radiation control requirements Appendix A Alternative design for 100 GeV center of mass facility Engineering and facility design estimates Some of basis of pCDR-100 design

13 Summary JLab pCDR efforts span well over a year
pCDR-65 draft developed and delivered to lab management at end of FY18 Essentially a frozen reference design Consistent with DOE costing exercise Aug 2018 Lab management decided to flesh out 100 GeV option to full pCDR update in FY19 Cost-neutral to Aug 2018 design Warm ion low/high energy boosters Electron collider ring reuse of PEP-II magnets On track for delivery late April 2019

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