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Transition from Reception to Year 1

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1 Transition from Reception to Year 1
Miss Monique Ring KS1 Phase Leader

2 Aims of this workshop To understand the importance of a smooth transition from Reception to Year 1 To know the arrangements for transition at Marlborough To achieve a stronger understanding of the Year 1 curriculum and expectations

3 What does transition mean?
Transition is the term used to describe children moving from one stage of their learning to the next In terms of your child, the transition we are describing is them moving from Reception to Year 1 As children move from Reception to Year 1, they will experience many changes so we feel it is vital to have a collaborative approach to ensure the children feel safe, secure and happy continuing their learning journey This will enable children make the best all round progress

4 Principles of Transitioning at Marlborough
The transition should motivate and challenge all children Effective transition takes time and is a process rather than an event Parents and carers need to feel well informed about and comfortable with the transitions in their child’s life

5 How do we Transition at Marlborough?
During Summer 2: Year 1 teachers will be spend some time observing teaching and learning in Reception Reception children will spend time in the Year 1 classrooms so that they are familiar with their future learning environment Reception structure begins to model Year 1 routines (more sit down work) EYFS attend assemblies with KS1 Reception join KS1 for morning and afternoon play Circle Time/PSHE lessons on ‘Moving on’

6 How are parents involved?
Parent Celebration Evening (15th July) Parents will be invited to Welcome Wednesday to experience learning in Year 1 with your children (Autumn 1) Meet the Teacher meetings with Year 1 staff (Autumn 1) Transition Policy shared

7 What are the differences between Reception and Year 1?
There is a change from a play-based curriculum (Foundation Stage Curriculum) to the more formal National Curriculum (Yr 1 – 6) Year 1 follow the KS1 timetable with discrete subject sessions

8 What are the differences between Reception and Year 1?
Communication and Language Personal, Social, Emotional Development Physical Development EYFS Expressive Arts And Design Maths Understanding the World Literacy

9 What are the differences between Reception and Year 1?
Maths Literacy/Phonics Science Year 1 NC Computing Geography RE PSHE History Art/DT PE

10 How can parents help? Ensure you continue reading daily over the Summer Alleviate any worries they may have about the changes Enable your child to be exposed to a range of experiences Use the time to continue learning activities eg. Write a postcard to their new teacher, fine motor activities, involve them in practical activities like measuring when cooking Have a really enjoyable Summer!


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