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A Servant-Service Course

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1 A Servant-Service Course
In surveys of successful companies, excellent service was described as practicing certain behaviors Servants are individuals who have put on the mind of Christ to serve God and others Questions to think about: 1) Can you recall a specific time when you were provided with excellent service? 2) Who do you know that exemplifies someone with a servant’s heart? 3) Do you see yourself as someone who can become an exemplar of servant-service? Why, or why not?

2 The Servant-Service Mentality
The Definition of a Servant The Behaviors of a Servant The Challenge of a Servant Points to consider: 1) Servants are made not born. 2) Servants serve because it is a developed behavior (just like leadership). 3) When we are constantly challenged, we grow.

3 Definition of Servant-Service
“One who contributes to the welfare of others; provides a service.” (Merriam-Webster) “a servant is not greater than his master; nor is he who is sent greater than he who sent him. If you know these things, blessed are you if you do them.” (Jn. 13:16-17) Jesus was the prime example for us. Think about what it means to be a servant. Jesus took on the apron of a house slave and washed the feet of his disciples. Are you willing to do that?

4 Servant-Service Behaviors
Ownership Empathy Enthusiasm Adaptability Resiliency Balance Responsibility The servant-service characteristics are traits that have to do with denying the self and putting on Christ. Only when we deny ourselves do we experience his life.

5 The Servant-Service Challenge
God wants us to develop a “servant mindset” (Phil. 2:5-8) To serve the organization & our partners with excellence Familiarization with 7 servant behaviors Awareness of personal servant mentality Application of servant behaviors to caller situations Servant Winners! The process of becoming a servant that provides excellent service involves knowing what the objectives are; being aware of one’s current weaknesses and strengths; and the application of servant-service behaviors to different caller situations.

6 Ownership

7 Adaptability

8 Enthusiasm

9 Balance

10 Resiliency

11 Responsibility

12 Empathy

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