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Research on edge computing system based on Linux EdgeX Foundry

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1 Research on edge computing system based on Linux EdgeX Foundry
Viva Presentation – Qitian Wu Research on edge computing system based on Linux EdgeX Foundry Qitian Wu May 2018

2 Background Edge computing is a method of optimizing cloud computing system by performing data processing at the edge of the network, near the source of data. One of the common challenges from the IoT to the enterprise and consumer IoT is the lack of any standards-based platform or framework but EdgeX Foundry has come.

3 Background EdgeX Foundry is a vendor-neutral open source software platform, and EdgeX Foundry provides a huge space that we can build a much-needed interoperability edge computing system. The project revolves around a common goal: the simplification and standardization of edge computing in the IoT, while still allowing the ecosystem to add significant value.

4 Purpose of the Project Study background on the open Platform and understand the content of this subject, find relevant information. Learn Java programming language, Docker and Raspberry Pi platform. Design and implementation of the edge computing system.

5 Introduction The Project implements the EdgeX Foundry platform within the Java development environment and implements the EdgeX Foundry based on the MQTT protocol for data transmission in the Raspberry Pi. EdgeX Foundry micro services were created in Eclipse using Java Maven projects and building a Docker image of the microservices so that the microservices can run at Docker Compose and be ported to the Raspberry Pi equipped with ubuntu.

6 Design Microservices Architecture with MQTT Device Service:

7 Design How to transmit data? Core Data Sequence.

8 Design How to transmit command? Command Put (same for Get).

9 Design Docker Compose with EdgeX Foundry

10 Design Project model

11 Implementation As Developers Get the code
EdgeX Foundry's Mongo Database EdgeX Foundry in Eclipse and Demonstration MQTT Device Service Running Device MQTT Build the Docker image

12 Implementation As Users Build the EdgeX Foundry Compose File
Running Device MQTT docker-compose start

13 Results and Discussion
The application

14 Results and Discussion
The application

15 Results and Discussion
The application

16 Results and Discussion
The application

17 Conclusion and Further Work
This project is a study of a new framework for the edge calculation model, and a successful way of data transmission makes the project successful. In this process, I learned about the application of edge computing in industrial Internet of things This is the first formal exploration of EdgeX. This project makes it easy to master the development and use of EdgeX and adds some of its own content based on this project, such as some sensors commonly used in industry, replacement, or Add other protocols such as BLE, SNMP, and so on.

18 Conclusion and Further Work
MQTT device services can be easily customized to handle other data. A device configuration file can be provided to specify other or alternative types of data that are sent through the MQTT device service. use a configuration file (such as application. properties) to modify the device name (currently called TestMQTTDevice) Provides attachments for the application or device service itself to collect data and send it to Core Data - like the TestMqttDeviceSendor application.

19 Mock Viva Presentation
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