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Clinical Comparisons.

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Presentation on theme: "Clinical Comparisons."— Presentation transcript:

1 Clinical Comparisons


3 Challenge of Balancing RAAS Inhibitor Use and Potassium Level

4 Issues With RAAS Inhibitor Use in CKD

5 Driving Factors for Elevations in sCr and K+

6 Discontinuations and Distribution of RAAS Inhibitor Dosing in US Cohort

7 Causes of Hyperkalemia

8 Potassium Binders*

9 SPS Associated With Higher Risk of Hospitalization for Serious GI AEs

10 Strategy to Evaluate Hyperkalemia

11 Studies Evaluating the Efficacy and Safety of SZC and Patiromer

12 Importance of Potassium Monitoring

13 Management of Hyperkalemia in CKD

14 Guideline Recommendations Regarding RAAS Inhibitor Use Based on Serum Potassium Level

15 Overcoming RAAS Inhibitor Inertia Monitoring and Dose Adjustment

16 CKD Prognosis Consortium eGFR and Albuminuria as Surrogate Endpoints

17 High-Potassium-Containing Foods

18 Role of High Fiber Intake in Advanced CKD

19 Role of Alkalinization in CKD

20 Long-Term Effects of Potassium Binders

21 Administration Considerations for the Newer Potassium Binders

22 Access for Potassium Binders

23 DIALIZE Study

24 DIALIZE Results

25 Conclusion

26 Abbreviations

27 Abbreviations (cont)

28 Abbreviations (cont)

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