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MAV Optical Navigation

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1 MAV Optical Navigation
Update September 28, 2011 Adrian Fletcher, Jacob Schreiver, Justin Clark, & Nathan Armentrout

2 Agenda Progress Goals Questions High Level Algorithm
Object Recognition (with Snake) Baseline System Requirements Document Goals Questions

3 Progress – High Level Algorithm
Scan for landmark candidates Define a landmark Make 3D map Scan for target Plan a path Follow path

4 Progress – Object of Interest Finding
Implemented Snake Algorithm

5 Progress – SyRS Baseline
Completed SyRS baseline document

6 Goals Image Processing Documentation
Implement SURF algorithm to get object descriptors Explore ObjectFinder (JavaCV) & OpenTLD Documentation Begin SDS Improve SyRS

7 Questions for Dr. Lauf Is an exhaustive 3D map required (whole room vs. important characteristics)? How detailed? Is establishing no-fly zones good enough? How will the target destination be identified?

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