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Lecture 3 Discrete time systems

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1 Lecture 3 Discrete time systems

2 Representation of discrete- time systems
x [n] T{.} y [n] x[n] y[n] Example: Ideal delay system y [n] = x [n – nd] -∞ < n < ∞

3 The accumulator system
A memoryless system The accumulator system

4 Moving average It is a low pass filter!!!

5 Memory Causality Stability Time invariance Linearity
Systems properties Memory Causality Stability Time invariance Linearity

6 Memory: Causality A system is memoryless if y[n] = f ( x[n] )
i.e. it sees only present values. A system has memory if y [n] depends on previous values it can also depend on present and future values! Causality A system is causal if the output y[n] depends only on present and/or past values. On-line systems are causal by definition

7 Time-invariance Stability
A system is time invariant if a shift in the input causes a corresponding shift of the output. For all n0 x1 [n] = x [n-n0] gives y1[n] = y [n-n0] Stability A system is stable if every bounded input sequence produces a bounded output i.e. it never diverges. If |x[n]| ≤ Bx < ∞ then |y[n]| ≤ By < ∞

8 Linearity 1) Additive property. 2) Scaling property
Linear systems obey the principle of superposition. 1) Additive property. T {x1[n] + x2[n]} = T {x1[n]} + T {x2[n]} = y1[n] + y2[n] 2) Scaling property T {a x1[n]} = a T {x1[n]} = a y[n] Altogether: T {a x1[n] + b x2[n]} = a T{x1[n]} + b T{x2[n]} More generally: If x[n] = Σk ak xk[n] then y[n] = Σk ak yk[n] where yk[n] is the system response to the input xk[n]

9 Exercise: Which properties (linearity, causality, time-invariance, stability and memory) posses the following systems: a) y[n] = 3 x[n] – 4 x[n-1] b) y[n] = 2 y[n-1] + x[n+2] c) y[n] = n x[n] d) y[n] = cos (x[n]) e) y[n] = log10 (x[n]) f) y[n] = x[n]4 g) The accumulator system h) The ideal delay system i) The moving average system

10 A sequence can be represented as a linear combination of delayed impulses:

11 Linear time-invariant systems (LTI)
Let hk[n] be the response to d[n-k] (an impulse at n = k) If the system is linear If the system is time-invariant

12 Convolution sum Convolution sum Linear time-invariant systems can be described by the convolution sum!

13 Note that: A linear time-invariant system can be completely characterized by its input response h[n] d[n] h[n] LTI

14 Properties of LTI systems (or properties of convolution)
Convolution is conmutative x[n]  h[n] = h[n]  x[n] Convolution is distributive x[n]  (h1[n] + h2[n]) = x[n]  h1[n] + x[n]  h2[n]

15 Cascade connection: y[n] = h1[n]  [ h2[n]  x[n] ] = [ h1[n]  h2[n] ]  x[n] x[n] h2 h1 y[n] = x[n] h1h2 y[n]

16 Parallel connection y[n] = h1[n]  x[n] + h2[n]  x[n] ] = [ h1[n] + h2[n] ]  x[n] h1 x[n] + y[n] h2 = x[n] h1+h2 y[n]

17 LTI systems are stable iff
LTI systems are causal if h[n] = n < 0

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