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by Dr. Ralf Busskamp (Part 1)

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1 National and Regional Spatial Data Infrastructure and Information Services related to WISE
by Dr. Ralf Busskamp (Part 1) German Federal Institute of Hydrology, Koblenz WISE/GIS Workshop 2008, Dublin

2 Realisation of practical reporting mechanisms within a network of competent authorities
Challenge: Facilitate the exchange of environmental information. Why: Because currently it is not practical. e.g.: Fixed periodic reporting dates vs. dynamik nature of information. e.g.: Not standardized e.g.: Push instead pull mechanism (See difficulties to link WFD Art.5 and WFD Art.8 data via Water Body ID) Solution: Exchange of interoperable data on demand via a common open web-based spatial data infrastructure (SDI)

3 Structures to establish a SDI in Germany
Generell Geo-Information: Inter-Ministerial Working Group on Geo-Information operating for 10 years (IMAGI) Office to establish a national SDI at Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy operating for 5 years (Geschäftsstelle GDI-DE). Running central Geo-Portal and Working Groups on Architecture, Metadata, WMS, WFS, Registry Water related Geo-Information: Designation of National Node for Water relatet Data at the German Federal Institute of Hydrology (BfG WasserBLIcK) BfG Activities: GEOSS: D-GEO-Group, GEO-User Interface, HARON INSPIRE: LMO, SDIC-WISE, WISE-TG, INSPIRE-TWG SDI-Germany: WG IMAGI, WG Architekture, Metadata, WMS, WFS Establishment of SDI-nodes at State and/or Commuinty Level (compare Part 2: Armin Müller)


5 http://www. gdi-de. de/de/download/Geoinformation_modernerStaat_engl

6 BfG-Web Catalog Service: local search

7 BfG-Web Catalog Service: distributed search

8 BfG- MapExplorer



11 Data fluxes for WFD-reporting
need for standardisation european WISE data granularity national admin. boundary river basin local

12 Future data fluxes for WFD-reporting
admin. boundary data granularity need for standardisation local river basin national european WISE Service Infrastructure

13 WasserBLIcK meets WISE OpenGIS® conforme interfaces
Plugin for Vector maps WFD Report Container WISE User (Web-Browser) Map as raster image Metadata ISO 19115 Catalogue Service (CAT/CS-W) describeRecord getRecords Harvest WebServer CMS WasserBLIcK WebMapServer Web Map Server (WMS) getMap getFeatureInfo DBMS Oracle spatial data storage Web Feature Server (WFS) describeFeatureType getFeature

14 Next Steps for a Decentralized WISE-Architecture from German (MS) Perspective
Implement CS-W Define implementation rules for search request -> WFD-Services Implement WMS Define topics where WMS-technique is of interest Define implementation standards for Scale Feature Info Symbolization Implement WFS Define GML-schema for relevant WFD-Data Take special care of developement of INSPIRE Implementation rules Annex I Hydrography Annex I Protected areas Annex III Monitoring.

15 Thank you for your attention. Dr
Thank you for your attention ! Dr. Ralf Busskamp Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde German Federal Institute of Hydrology Am Mainzer Tor Koblenz Germany

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