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5th PASET Forum Kigali, Rwanda| May 22, 2019

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1 5th PASET Forum Kigali, Rwanda| May 22, 2019
Destination Digital Africa: Preparing our Youth for the Future COUNTRY DELEGATION PRESENTATION TO FINAL PLENARY SESSION Country Name: ZAMBIA (Connectivity and Planning) 5th PASET Forum Kigali, Rwanda| May 22, 2019

2 ICT Connectivity for Higher Education and TVET Systems
You have heard about the need to improve ICT connectivity for Higher Education and TVET systems, to bring down costs and improve availability of content How would you improve your existing plan for connecting all universities, improving connectivity within university campuses , reducing costs and improving reliability of broadband connectivity? By promoting connectivity for all Universities and TEVET Institutions through ZAMREN. By Increasing bandwidth in respective institutions Reducing costs through increased usage by connecting all higher education institutions and secondary schools through ZAMREN. The Optic Fibre can help reduce costs and improve connectivity. What is your plan for strengthening the National Research and Education Network (if one exists) or to establish one; and to strengthen its links with international networks? Plans to place all training institutions on ZAMREN. Further all secondary schools in the country to also be serviced through ZAMREN to improve connectivity and reduce costs

3 ICT Connectivity for Higher Education and TVET Systems
What could be some steps to increase connectivity for TVET institutions? Provide hardware and LANs for all TEVET institutions Connection of all TEVET institutions to ZAMREN. What have you learned during the Forum that you could adapt to your country? Leveraging of financing to improve connectivity. Digital training is important and connectivity of all HE and TEVET Institutions will be priority. Upgrading and reskilling staff. Benchmarking of ICT standards in institutions What are the technical capacity building needs? And how will you meet them? Technology upgrades in institutions including Cyber security Enhanced access to ICT Connectivity in all institutions of learning Content and adaptive learning systems Human Capital Development of Trainers, Policy Makers and Managers 1. Enhanced private sector participation in education and training 2. Leveraging of financing from development partners and multilateral organizations 3. Twining of Institutions and Staff exchange programmes

4 Planning Ahead What government policies or regulations need to change in order to enable higher education/ TVET institutions to be better prepared, better connected, and able to deploy technology? Be as specific as possible. Education, ICT, TEVET, STI and Trade Policies Related Legal Framework What are the most critical investments? How would you sequence them? Policy Review and Stakeholder Sensitization; Training equipment reflecting current technology; ICTs and good internet connectivity Infrastructure Development Human Capital Development in Frontier Technology Curriculum development and adaptation to local content How would you go about preparing a costed action plan, with prioritized investments to improve university and TVET courses, improving connectivity, and using technology in education? Identify areas of critical investment for both Skills training and University education in order of priority; Cost the identified areas in terms of transmission to local content, capacity building, policy review, infrastructure, equipment and connectivity.

5 Planning Ahead Which other Ministries do you need to work with ?
Ministry of General Education Ministry of Youth Sport and Child Development Ministry of Defence Ministry of Community Development and Social Welfare Ministry of Labour and Social Security Ministry of Commerce, Trade and Industry Ministry of Information and Broadcasting Ministry of Communication and Transport Ministry of National Development Planning Ministry of Gender Ministry of Finance Smart Zambia How should we improve knowledge sharing between countries in this area? Interactive workshops for cross pollination of ideas; Technical Experts and Student exchange programmes Best practice and bench marking exercises among peer countries Establishment of Partnerships and Twinning of learning institutions How will you / should we monitor progress in implementation? Well articulated M&E programme with clear tools of assessment, targets and outcomes

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