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CSC/FAR 020, Computer Graphics, October 2, 2013

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1 CSC/FAR 020, Computer Graphics, October 2, 2013
Dr. Dale E. Parson Outline for week 5

2 Adjustment Layers Additional layers used strictly for adjustments.
Retrieve from Parsons/Outbox. Open ScrabbleMusic30Sept2009.psd. Layer -> Duplicate Layer, hide Background. Layer -> New Adjustment Layer Dialog allows one type of edit per adjustment layer Color Curves is one example we have already used. Double click layer mask icon for adjustments dialog. Adjustments dialog left arrow to change command.

3 Masking Adjustment Layers
Shift D and X alternate background / foreground colors. You must fill with black to create a black mask that shields in the layer mask. Using a color curve adjustment layer . . . Set foreground to black, Select All in layer mask, Edit -> Fill with Black, Select with rectangular marquee, Edit -> Fill with white and try color curve. If you create the adjustment layer with a selection in place, it supplies the layer mask.

4 Adjustment Layer Types
You can lower opacity and fill for these. Click the adjustment icon to get it parameters. You can alter these with Blending Options. Control-click the Adjustment Layer. You can stack these adjustment layers. Solid Color, Gradient, Pattern, Brightness / Contrast, Levels, Curves, Exposure, Vibrance, Hue / Saturation, etc. See the menu!

5 Compose with Adjustment Layers
Use Thresholds to Select levels of interest. Select these levels. Stack a Posterize Adjustment layer with the selection in place to mask posterization. Or stack Curves or another layer. Drag Threshold Adjustment layer to Trash when you no longer need it.

6 New Layer Options Layer -> New Layer -> Overlay, Fill with Neutral Color, 50% gray, Opacity 50% Using Black or White Foreground / Background, use Brush with selected diameter and shape and paint Burns (darken) and Dodges (lightens) on this layer. Dodge and Burn Tools work similarly on the actual image layers.

7 Color Selections Include . . .
Color Picker. Eye Dropper and swap Foreground / Background. Swatch Palette. Blending modes on layers and tools affects how foreground / background colors are used.

8 Fill Layers Like adjustments layers but with a solid Color, Gradient or Pattern. Pattern layers include right-selectable libraries to expand the Pattern Palette. Crop and save ScrabbleBoard as ScrabbleBoardPattern. Place in a fill layer.

9 Brushing and Erasing Overview of Brush Options.
Bring up a Background Layer copy and a Layer Mask on ScrabbleBoard. Layer mask for Eraser Underlying Layer for Background Eraser Magic Eraser is like Magic Wand + Cut. Note different effects of Brush on a Layer versus a Layer Mask.

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