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Increased autoantibodies in 2KO-Bcl6TC mice.

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1 Increased autoantibodies in 2KO-Bcl6TC mice.
Increased autoantibodies in 2KO-Bcl6TC mice. Serum from naive 10-wk-old WT, IL-2 KO, and 2KO-Bcl6TC mice was analyzed for IgG reactivity to an autoantigen microarray. (A) Heat map of 17 autoantigens with significantly higher reactive IgG between WT, IL-2 KO, and 2KO-Bcl6TC mice based on the microarray score and multicomparison statistical analysis. Seventeen autoantigens out of 94 autoantigens tested showed a significant difference in IgG reactivity between the three groups, and all 17 showed a higher score for the 2KO-Bcl6TC sera. (B) Graphs of selected anti-autoantigen IgG scores for anti–β-2 microglobulin, anti–U1-snRNP, and anti-Histone H3 taken from the autoantigen array data. n = 4–6 mice. The p values were calculated by t test, in which *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01. Markus M. Xie et al. ImmunoHorizons 2019;3: Copyright © 2019 The Authors

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