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What Is Sin? What is sin? Outlined from material by Tom Moore

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1 What Is Sin? What is sin? Outlined from material by Tom Moore
Sin and temptation

2 Introduction J. W. McGarvey once said, “I would esteem above every other gift that could be bestowed upon me as a preacher the power to adequately conceive what sin is and to adequately set it before the people.”

3 Introduction Why was this ability so important to brother McGarvey?
Because of the consequence of sin Is. 59:1-2 Rom. 6:23

4 Sin Is A Violation Of Conscience
Rom. 14:23 Faith here refers to the persuasion or confidence of a person We must be fully persuaded that what we are doing is lawful or otherwise it will be sin if we do it

5 Sin Is A Violation Of Conscience
Our conscience must be educated by God’s Word Acts 23:1 The conscience is not an infallible guide Jn. 16:2

6 Sin Is A Violation Of Conscience
Do you have any doubts about playing a certain game, going to a certain place, participating in a certain function or following a certain habit? If there is any doubt- don’t do it!

7 Sin Is Knowing To Do Good But Not Doing It
Js. 4:17 Sin is not only wrong doing, it is also a failure to do what is right-failing to do good Gal. 6:10 Eph. 2:10

8 Sin Is Knowing To Do Good But Not Doing It
The good Samaritan was a doer of good Jesus went about doing good In Js. 4:17 we find the sin of unused knowledge, the failure to do what is right, the sin of knowing how to live right and not doing it

9 Sin Is Knowing To Do Good But Not Doing It
“I know what’s right, but…” “I know I should teach the lost but…” “I know that I should not forsake the worship assemblies but…” “I know what I should be doing, but…” Lk. 12:47-48

10 Sin Is A Violation Of God’s Law
1 Jn. 3:4 Sin is breaking God’s law God tells us not to lie-if we lie we sin - Eph. 4:25 God tells us not to forsake the assembly-if we do we sin Heb. 10:25

11 Sin Is A Violation Of God’s Law
What is sin? Sin Is A Violation Of God’s Law “1 Jn. 3:4 teaches us that sin is a personal refusal to be governed by God” Sin and temptation

12 Sin Is A Failure To Keep God’s Commandments
1 Jn. 5:17 Ps. 119:172 Those who obey God’s commandments are righteous, but those who do not obey are unrighteous Here we find those who do not obey

13 Summary Slide Sin Is A Violation Of Conscience
Sin Is Knowing To Do Good But Not Doing It Sin Is A Violation Of God’s Law Sin Is A Failure To Keep God’s Commandments

14 Conclusion Acts 2:38 Acts 8:22 1 Jn. 1:7 Rev. 14:13 Gal. 3:27

15 References Outlined from material by Tom Moore

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