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What It Means to Be A Member of the Warfield Blvd. church of Christ

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Presentation on theme: "What It Means to Be A Member of the Warfield Blvd. church of Christ"— Presentation transcript:

1 What It Means to Be A Member of the Warfield Blvd. church of Christ

2 Membership Is… Some Christians have a wrong understanding of local church membership (their own idea, what they have experienced in other churches, never been taught, etc.) We must return to the biblical understanding of membership

3 Membership Is… Church membership in the universal sense: involuntary (Ac.2:47) Church membership in the local sense: voluntary (Acts 9:26-28) Some today float around, never place membership, others worship at home, or not at all

4 Membership Is Not… Political party: it is not a place to follow your favorite leader (1 Cor. 1-4) Support group: it is not a place to be accepted with any lifestyle (1 Cor. 5-7) Resort & spa: it is not a place to be pampered with your way (1 Cor. 8-10)

5 Membership Is Not… Social club: it is not a place to be fed with food (1 Cor. 11) Talent show: it is not a place to show off your talent (1 Cor ) Open forum: it is not a place to share your own ideas about life (1 Cor. 15)

6 Three Principles of Membership
Acts 9:26-28 Identification: “Barnabas took him…” Dedication: “he attempted to join…” Collaboration: “he was with them…”

7 Identification The shepherds must know who the sheep are (1 Pet. 5:2)
The sheep must know who the sheep are (1 Thess. 5:14; etc.) The church directory should be correct, complete, and meaningful

8 Identification The church directory is not the Lamb’s Book of Life. A faithful Christian can be in the Book of Life and not be in a directory, just as a unfaithful Christian can be in a directory and not in the Book of Life (Rev.3:5; 20:11-15; 21:25-27).

9 Three Principles of Membership
Acts 9:26-28 Identification: “Barnabas took him…” Dedication: “he attempted to join…” Collaboration: “he was with them…”

10 Dedication Members are to enter into a solemn covenant; a covenant to serve and to serve together Membership has great honor, privileges, blessings, and responsibilities

11 Dedication The members serve together – a “body” of “members”…
Like the Romans (Rom.12:3-8) Like the Corinthians (1 Cor.12:14-31) Like the Ephesians (Eph.4:7-16)

12 Dedication We have… “Come together” responsibilities
“One another” responsibilities (there are more than 20 listed in the NT!) A need for more teachers, volunteers

13 Dedication 90% of the work done by 10%
Too “busy” to teach or volunteer Burden others when I can do it “Retire” after teaching many years

14 Three Principles of Membership
Acts 9:26-28 Identification: “Barnabas took him…” Dedication: “he attempted to join…” Collaboration: “he was with them…”

15 Collaboration The members owe something to the body like…
Loyalty – it must be a priority in your life, a duty (Lk. 17:10) Dependability – the elders can count on you anytime, any place (1 Thess.5:12-13; Heb.13:7,17)

16 Collaboration Performance – if every member was just like me, what kind of church would this be (Eph. 4:16)? Attendance – if I can stay away, so can the rest (Heb.10:25) Disorderly – if I can act unruly, so can the rest (1 Cor. 14:40)

17 Collaboration Contribution - if I can give little or nothing, so can the rest (2 Cor.9:6-7) Influence – if I can set a poor example, so can the rest (Mt.5:12-13) Teaching – if I can refrain from teaching, so can the rest (Heb. 5:12)

18 Collaboration Inactivity – if I can make excuses, so can the rest (Lk. 14:18; Mt. 25:25)

19 What is membership to you?
What is Local Church Membership to You? How you answer that questions will determine your eternal destiny Have a biblical view!

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