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UND’s Promotion & Tenure Process: Electronic Submission and Next Steps

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1 UND’s Promotion & Tenure Process: Electronic Submission and Next Steps
Donna K. Pearson, Assistant Provost, Katherine Terras, Chair of University P&T Committee, and Stephanie Walker, Dean of Libraries and Information Resources

2 Levels of Review for Promotion & Tenure
Vertical = hierarchy & order of levels, initiated at department level Horizontal = category of review Promotion Tenure School of Medicine & Health Sciences – Promotion & Tenure Department Committee Department Chair College Committee Dean Dean & Vice President of Health Affairs (Promotion requests for Assistant Professor to Associate Professor receive final action from the VP of Health Affairs.) University Promotion & Tenure Committee Deans Committee Provost & Vice President for Academic Affairs President (Tenure and promotion requests from Associate Professor to Professor require action from the President.) SBHE SBHE (Tenure only)

3 Annual Timeline April January
Submit P &/or T intent notification to Chair & Dean’s office (no later than 04/15/2019 prior to academic year) External Review Considerations (04/30/2019) September Applicants submit tenure and/or promotion files electronically (9/6/2019). Chairs make files available to Department Committee. (9/9/19) Department Committee written record of votes due (9/30/19) October Department Chair’s recommendation is due (10/14/19) Applicant has 3 complete business days to review his/her file & respond, if desired Applicant file due to Dean on 4th business day (10/18/19) College Committee given access to file material (10/25/2019) November College Committee submits advice along with written record of votes for and against promotion and/or tenure to the Dean (11/12/19) December Dean’s recommendation is due (12/5/2019) Applicant has 3 complete business days to review his/her file and respond (if desired)to any material in the file Provost’s Office makes promotion/tenure files available for review by University Promotion and Tenure Committee and Academic Deans (12/13/2019) January University Promotion and Tenure Committee reviews files and provides advice, along with written record of votes for and against promotion and/or tenure, to the Provost (1/24/2020) February Academic Deans review files and provides advice, along with written record of votes for and against tenure and/or promotion, to the Provost (2/3/2020) Provost’s recommendations are made for promotion and/or tenure (on or about 2/14/2020) Applicant has 3 complete business days to review his/her file and respond (if desired)to any material in the file Provost’s written recommendation due to President on the business day immediately following the previous date on the timeline March President’s decision on promotion and recommendation on tenure are made and applicants are informed in writing (on or about 3/2/2020) Spring President’s recommendations are forwarded to NDUS and SBHE SBHE decisions on tenure announced

4 UND’s Promotion & Tenure Process Tenure & Professional Development Plans: Aligning Department Guidelines and Faculty Handbook Policies Timeline: Year 1 ( ) Year 2 ( ) Year 3 ( ) Year 4 ( ) Year 5 ( ) Year 6 ( )---- Submit Materials in September

5 University Promotion & Tenure Committee
Charge Review promotion and tenure requests Provide advice to the Provost & VPAA Committee is comprised of one representative from each college/school College of Arts & Sciences has two representatives – one faculty member in a hard science & one faculty member in fine arts or social sciences Members are nominated by the Dean Full professors (preferred) Committee membership will be listed on the P&T website Followed by Deans Committee All deans review all applications for promotion and tenure VPAA office support & assistance

6 Electronic Process at University Level
Quality control VPAA Office reviews files that are submitted to ensure file format is consistent across university Incomplete dossiers, dossiers with extra material, or dossiers ordered incorrectly are returned to the college/school for proper revisions Material submitted to VPAA Office posted on secure Blackboard site Information is sent to candidates once material is posted Candidates have access to their individual file only Academic Deans, University Promotions Committee, and Provost & VPAA and his staff are the only individuals with access to the files Tenure and Promotion files and Tenure and Promotion Recommendation Forms will be posted to the site following the Academic Deans review of requests Candidates remain updated throughout review process

7 Blackboard Site Notifications to Candidates:
Candidates remain updated throughout the university-level review process. They are able to refer to the Blackboard site to view the updated Faculty Promotion Form and/or Tenure Recommendation form following each level of review.

8 VPAA Promotion & Tenure Webpage

9 Best Wishes to All Questions?
Academic Affairs Office:

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