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Sustainable and Liveable Cities and Urban Areas
#JPIUrbanEurope Monday 20 May 2019, Reseach Council of Norway, Oslo
10:00 – 10:30 Welcome & Introduction
10:30 – 11: The potentials of EU-China partnership 11:00 – 12: A Cavalcade of Projects 12:00 – 13: Lunch #JPIUrbanEurope
Welcome and Introduction
Fridtjof Unander Executive Director, Research Council of Norway Prof. Liexun Yang, Deputy Director General of the Department of Management Sciences, NSFC Margit Noll, Chair of the JPI Urban Europe Management Board
The potentials of EU-China partnership Framing the policy landscape
Jonas Bylund, Research and Innovation Officer, JPI Urban Europe Management Board
A Cavalcade of Projects Facilitator: Thomas Hansteen, Special Adviser, RCN
1. MAAT 2. STEP-UP 3. SIRIUS 4. SIMETRI 5. U-PASS 6. Financing Clean Air 7. DeSCIPHER 8. SMUrTS 9. RECREATE 10. HERMES 11. UNCNET
Lunch We’ll start again at 13:00
13:00 – 14: Group Session I 14:00 – 14: EU-China Cooperation 14:30 – 15: Coffee break with poster session 15:00 – 16: Group session II 16:00 – 16: Reports, activities and requirements in the coming year 16: Wrapping up and Checking out Networking
Group Session I: Vision of the future
What are the key concepts of your research and how are you approaching the topic - have you identified any obstacles or opportunites? Where do you see your project one year from now? Which results do you expect and do you see any barriers in reaching them? Topic 1: Climate change and new urban economies Topic 2: Transformation of energy systems and strengthen urban circular economies Topic 3: Urban public administration and services innovation Topic 4: Urban data management One rapporteur per group – send summary of discussion to
Group Session I Group 1 – Topic 1: Timo von Wirth (SIRIUS), Lingxuan Liu (SIRIUS), Alex Hagen-Zanker (DeSCIPHER), Shen Yu (DeSCIPHER), Wilfried Winiwarter (UNCNET), Jonas Bylund Group 2 – Topic 1 (Nansen 4): Shenghui Cui (SIRIUS), Astrid Nordin (SIRIUS), Mike Hutchins (DeSCIPHER), Lin Zhang (UNCNET), Monika Suchowska-Kisielewicz (UNCNET), Jonas Enge Group 3 – Topic 2 (Abel 3): Jun Xie (HERMES), Fusong Wang (HERMES), Joon Sik Kim (Financing Clean Air), Ye Li (Financing Clean Air), Xiabo Qu (SMUrTS), Alexandra Wu (RECREATE), Thomas Hansteen Group 4 – Topic 2: Shaopeng Wu (HERMES), Rolf Andre Bohn (HERMES), Natacha Aveline (Financing Clean Air), Alexander Lord (Financing Clean Air), Chaoru Lu (SMUrTS), Johanna Scheck Group 5 – Topic 3: Danhui Fang (HERMES), Méizhu Chen (HERMES), Terje Kristensen (HERMES), Erik Verhoef (U-PASS), Meng Xu (U-PASS), Feixiong Liao (MAAT), Qiong Tian (MAAT), Berry Bonenkamp Group 6 – Topic 4 (Hessel 1): Chongqing Kang (STEP-UP), Laurens de Vries (STEP-UP), Fei Teng (STEP-UP), Yang Yue (SIMETRI), Klara Broms Seving
EU-China Cooperation Sharing of experiences and learnings to establish strong partnerships
Berry Bonenkamp, Sustainable and Liveable Cities and Urban Areas Secretariat, NWO Jie Shen, Program Officer Division of European Affairs, NSFC
Coffee break and poster session
We’ll start again at 15:00
Group Session II: Ideas for communication
What are your approaches to communication and collaboration among partners? How do you make use of the transnationality of the call - have you identified any challenges or opportunities? Share learned lessons, best practice and urban cases from past experience concerning dissemination of research One rapporteur per group – send summary of discussion to
Group Session II Group 1: Feixong Liao (MAAT), Fei Teng (STEP-UP), Astrid Nordin (SIRIUS), Joon Sik Kim (Financing Clean Air), Alex Hagen-Zanker (DeSCHIPHER), Chaoru Lu (SMUrTS), Bin Chen (RECREATE), Meizu Chen (HERMES), Monika Suchowska-Kisielewicz (UNCNET), Jonas Bylund Group 2 (Abel 3): Qiong Tian (MAAT), Timo von Wirth (SIRIUS), Yang Yue (SIMETRI), Natacha Aveline (Financing Clean Air), Mike Hutchins (DeSCHIPHER), Yutao Wang (RECREATE), Jun Xie (HERMES), Terje Kristensen (HERMES), Jonas Enge Group 3 (Nansen 4): Chongqing Kang (STEP-UP), Lingxuan Liu (SIRIUS), Erik Verhoef (U-PASS), Ye Li (Financign Clean Air), Shen Yue (DeSCHIPHER), Johan Holmqvist (RECREATE), Shaopeng Wu (HERMES), Wilfried Winiwarter (UNCNET), Alexandra Wu (RECREATE), Rolf Andre Bohn (HERMES), Klara Broms Seving Group 4: Laurens de Vries (STEP-UP), Shenghui Cui (SIRIUS), Meng Xu (U-PASS), Alexander Lord (Financing Clean Air), Xiaobo Qu (SMUrTS), Danhui Fang (HERMES), Fusong Wang (HERMES), Lin Zhang (UNCNET), Berry Bonenkamp
Reports, Activities and Requirements
Hanna Scheck, Sustainable and Liveable Cities and Urban Areas Secretariat, FFG Reporting Klara Broms Seving, IQS, JPI Urban Europe management board Communication and events Jie Shen, Program Officer Division of European Affairs, NSFC. Reporting.
Wrapping up and checking out Reflections, conclusions and takeaways from the day
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