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EU- Palestine Cooperation Ministry of Higher Education Palestinian NCP, H2020, and MedSPRING Presentation for the Training on Horizon 2020 for Mediterranean.

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Presentation on theme: "EU- Palestine Cooperation Ministry of Higher Education Palestinian NCP, H2020, and MedSPRING Presentation for the Training on Horizon 2020 for Mediterranean."— Presentation transcript:

1 EU- Palestine Cooperation Ministry of Higher Education Palestinian NCP, H2020, and MedSPRING Presentation for the Training on Horizon 2020 for Mediterranean NCPs 9-11 December 2013, Amman

2 Introduction The Palestinian national contact point was launched in Palestine/Ramallah, in 2008.. Under the Umbrella of the Ministry of Higher Education It is the first contact point for information and assistance, and the main structure to provide guidance, practical information and assistance on all aspects of participation in FP7.

3 Objectives Enhancing Palestinian participation in the FP7. Increasing awareness about FP7 activities. Providing advice and individual assistance. Following up FP7 new activities.

4 Activities to achieve objectives Dissemination of information. Contact points at universities Formal letters to universities and research centers. Organization of promotional activities. 17 Info-days were conducted. Agenda:: How to use CORDIS? How to find a partner? How to find a call? How to build your own profile? How to write a proposal? What is the evaluation process? Other, depends on request Offering consultation on administrative procedures Responding to queries. Capacity building

5 Outcomes: Networking : more link more opportunity. Capacity building The Number of submitted proposals has been increased (82 research proposals). Number of success: (18 proposals, 48 m euro. About 3 m for Palestinian researchers).

6 The PNCP, H2020 and MEDSPRING Higher education sectors strategy: Policies: Internationalization of the HE system Linkage between research centers and industry (Innovation) Meet the social life needs: creation of jobs, water,…. H2020 : Policy: Priorities: Exc. Sciences Social Sciences Industrial Leadership.

7 The PNCP, H2020 and M SPRING/con. Q1: Would a NCP keep the same role in H2020? Q2: Is it still useful to disseminate information that is available on the Web? Q3: Is H2020 differ a lot from FP7? Q4: Why to conduct training workshops for NCPs on H2020? NCP: Policy: Enhancing the cooperation, the partnership, the link between Palestinian researchers and the EU ones.

8 The PNCP, H2020 and MSPRING/con NCP: Roadmap: Actions Knowledge of : The EU research policies, regulations and legislations. H2020 calls and their guides, evaluation… Dissemination of information for New res.,SMSs Conducting promotional activities Offering Consultation Facilitating connections Scanning, collecting data, reviewing internal sectors of interest.

9 The PNCP, H2020 and MSPRING/con MedSPRING: Policy: Encouraging the Euro Mediterranean cooperation on research and innovation in the societal areas: Food, Water, and Energy. Thus: It is clear that there are common points in policies!!! So, MedSPRING can support NCPs in all the actions.

10 THANK YOU for your attention


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