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SP TH 169 Redefine Informational Meeting July 25, 2019

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Presentation on theme: "SP TH 169 Redefine Informational Meeting July 25, 2019"— Presentation transcript:

1 SP 7106-87 TH 169 Redefine Informational Meeting July 25, 2019
TH 169 Redefine Project

2 Outline Introductions Disclaimers Project Information CMGC RFP
CMGC Processes Questions 7/25/2019 TH 169 Redefine Project

3 Introductions MnDOT Project Manager: Darren Nelson
MnDOT Construction Project Manager: Tony Hughes MnDOT CMGC Program Manager: Kevin Hagness Our job is to ensure all proposers have the same information and to partner with the successful CMGC team and consultants. 7/25/2019 TH 169 Redefine Project

4 Disclaimers This presentation will be posted on-line at: general-contractor.html 7/25/2019 TH 169 Redefine Project

5 Disclaimers What is discussed today is informational only, meant to assist proposers in pursuit of contracting opportunities on this project. The ultimate RFP requirements are included in the final posted documents. Proposers are responsible for following the final RFP(s) If there are any discrepancies, submit a clarification request. 7/25/2019 TH 169 Redefine Project

6 Project History, Overview, and Goals
Project was proposed jointly by the City of Elk River and Sherburne County during the January 2018 Corridors of Commerce (CoC) solicitation period – rated #1 project among the 172 projects nominated Project will improve safety and mobility by removing five signalized intersections on TH 169 in Elk River TH 10/169/101 Interchange left turning movements, Main Street, School Street, 193rd Avenue, 197th Avenue Cost Estimate at time of proposal was $177 M Total Project Cost Awarded was $157 M (CoC) + $3 M District Funds for Bridge Replacement = $160 M 7/25/2019 TH 169 Redefine Project

7 Project History, Overview, and Goals
The Project Team is tasked with minimizing footprint and maximizing savings and efficiencies Original Layout and Environmental Document were developed back in the timeframe. A new layout is currently being developed and an Early Notification Memo will be issued to “dust off” the original Document. Project will be delivered utilizing CMGC in an effort to help evaluate constructability, maintenance of traffic, and provide earlier cost certainty 7/25/2019 TH 169 Redefine Project

8 Project History, Overview, and Goals
SUE contract is in place and work has commenced Several Additional Consultant Contracts to be issued in the future Independent Cost Estimator (ICE) and Engineer’s Estimator (EE) Final Roadway and Final Bridge Plans (on board Spring 2020) Tentative Construction Bid Opening of March 2022 Construction start in Fall 2022 Construction completion in Fall 2024 7/25/2019 TH 169 Redefine Project

9 Project Overview 7/25/2019 TH 169 Redefine Project

10 Remove left turning movements at TH 10 ramp heads and place dedicated left turn lanes on TH 10 to TH 169 Replace NB TH 169 Bridge over TH 10 Provide aux lanes between TH 10 ramps and Main Street 7/25/2019 TH 169 Redefine Project

11 Remove signal controlled at-grade intersection and provide grade-separated SPUI at Main Street Provide aux lanes between Main Street and School Street 7/25/2019 TH 169 Redefine Project

12 Remove signal controlled at-grade intersection and provide grade-separated SPUI at School Street Provide aux lanes between School Street and 193rd Ave 7/25/2019 TH 169 Redefine Project

13 Remove signal controlled at-grade intersection and provide grade-separated SPUI at 193rd Provide aux lanes between 193rd and 197th Ave 7/25/2019 TH 169 Redefine Project

14 Remove signal controlled at-grade intersection and provide a standard diamond interchange at 197th *Alternate design being looked at is a split-diamond between 193rd and 197th avenue to minimize footprint 7/25/2019 TH 169 Redefine Project

15 Project Challenges Maintenance of Traffic and Constructability
TH 169 grade will be dropped significantly to provide grade separation required for interchanges Base assumption is to maintain at least one lane of traffic in each direction on TH 169 throughout construction Must maintain east-west local movements across TH 169 Major Utility Impacts and coordination Must stay under the Total Project Cost of $160 M (construction, engineering, R/W, etc.) Build a professional and collaborative project team among the owner, designer, and contractor using the CMGC delivery method 7/25/2019 TH 169 Redefine Project

16 Table 2.1 - Procurement Schedule
CMGC RFP Table Procurement Schedule Issue Draft CMGC RFP July 8, 2019 Issue CMGC RFP July 22, 2019 Project Informational Meeting July 25, 2019 Deadline for Proposers to Submit Requests for Clarification on the RFP August 16, 2019 Responses to Requests for Clarification on RFP Issued August 20, 2019 Deadline for Proposers to Submit Proposal October 8, 2019 Interviews November 6, 2019 CMGC Contractor Selected November 12, 2019 Notice to Proceed – P/T Services Contract January 6, 2020 July 25, 2019 TH 169 Redefine Project

17 CMGC RFP Final CMGC RFP is currently advertised on MnDOT’s Consultant Services website: Thank you to those who submitted comments on the Draft CMGC RFP July 25, 2019 TH 169 Redefine Project

18 CMGC RFP RFP Details: One-Step Qualifications-Based Selection Process
Interviews No Stipends No TGB or Veteran-Owned Goal for CMGC Preconstruction Services Contract TGB and Veteran-Owned Goals anticipated for CMGC Construction Services Contract(s) July 25, 2019 TH 169 Redefine Project

19 CMGC RFP A notification to Proposers has been posted on MnDOT’s Consultant Services website to help Proposers identify what changed between the draft CMGC RFP and the final CMGC RFP. In the event of any discrepancies between this document and the final CMGC RFP, the final CMGC RFP shall take precedent. July 25, 2019 TH 169 Redefine Project

20 CMGC RFP Noteworthy changes from ‘Draft’ CMGC RFP
Section 1.3 – Updated to provide a little more information regarding the project. Sections 1.6 & 1.8 – Total project funding is capped at $160 million. Sections 2 & – Proposal Due Date extended to October 8, 2019 and the interview date is now November 6, 2019. Section 4.3 – Page limit increased to 20 pages. Section 4.5 – Number of hardcopies has been reduced to 12. Section 6.2 – The construction services fee, represented as a fixed markup percentage, has been increased to 12%. 20

21 CMGC Draft RFP Comments
Work Packages Question: Since federal funds are not being utilized for this project, can the “independent utility” and “severable” conditions be deleted for work packages? On this project, it may be advantageous to use work packages that do not meet one or both of these conditions. Answer: Regardless of the funding source, MnDOT believes these conditions are appropriate for work packages. Therefore, no changes were made.

22 CMGC Draft RFP Comments
Construction Services Fee Question: We request the fixed-markup percentage be increased from 11.0 to 12.5 percent to appropriately address the scope and complexity of the project and current market conditions. Answer: Per MnDOT’s CMGC procurement process, an analysis is performed to determine a fair and reasonable construction services fee (profit and home office overhead), represented as a fixed-markup percentage, to specify in the CMGC RFP. At the time the ‘Draft’ CMGC RFP was advertised, the analysis was not complete. The CM/GC RFP has now been updated to reflect the results of that analysis. The fixed-markup percentage is now 12.0 percent. 22

23 CMGC Draft RFP Comments
Total Project Cost Estimate Question: With an estimated total project cost of $177 million, why do the Project Goals identify a $157 million budget. Answer: The funding for the 2018 Corridors of Commerce program was capped at an amount that was lower than the estimated total project costs. This was based on the belief there were opportunities to reduce cost for each project. One of the reasons CMGC was selected for the TH 169 Redefine Project is because it provides earlier cost certainty in the project development, thus better enabling MnDOT to scope the project to the fixed budget.

24 CMGC RFP Communications
Darren Nelson, Project Manager, is the sole MnDOT contact person for clarification requests, communications about the project, the RFP, and Proposal submittals. July 25, 2019 TH 169 Redefine Project 24

25 CMGC RFP Communications
CMGC programmatic questions shall be directed to Kevin Hagness, CMGC Program Manager: July 25, 2019 TH 169 Redefine Project 25

26 CMGC RFP Proposal Delivery, Content, Format
Proposals shall not exceed 20 pages; not including cover letter, table of contents, section dividers, appendices, and required forms Resumes for Key Personnel shall not exceed two pages per position 2-11x17 pages allowed for Project Experience Table July 25, 2019 TH 169 Redefine Project 26

27 CMGC RFP Addendums and Clarifications
Proposers need to acknowledge all addendums and clarifications issued in their Proposals. RFP Clarification Request Forms can be found on MnDOT’s CMGC website: July 25, 2019 TH 169 Redefine Project 27

28 CMGC RFP Mandatory Technical Interviews
Approximately one hour in length No handouts or formal presentations Will consist of set questions for all Proposers and clarification questions for each Proposer based on their Proposal Will not be scored separately – will be used as additional information in support of, and to clarify, the information contained in the proposal Questions will not be provided to Proposers in advance of the interview Up to five representatives from Proposer’s team – must include PM, CM, and Lead Cost Estimator Proposers must CMGC PM to schedule an interview time Interviews will take place at MnDOT’s District Three Office in St. Cloud, MN July 25, 2019 TH 169 Redefine Project 28

29 CMGC RFP CMGC Estimating Process
Formal workshops for design review, risk, and cost estimating are anticipated to occur at the 30%, 60%, and 90% design milestones. For each of these milestones, the cost estimates will include an Independent Cost Estimate (ICE), Owner’s/Engineer’s Estimate and the CMGC’s Opinion of Probable Construction Cost (OPCC). July 25, 2019 TH 169 Redefine Project 29

30 CMGC RFP CMGC Price Proposal Validation
The Independent Cost Estimate (ICE) and Engineer’s Estimate (EE) will be used by MnDOT to validate the CMGC Contractor’s price proposal/bid. July 25, 2019 TH 169 Redefine Project 30

31 CMGC RFP MnDOT CMGC Processes & CMGC Conflict of Interest Policy
Further information available on MnDOT’s CMGC website: July 25, 2019 TH 169 Redefine Project 31

32 ICE/EE Procurements There will be one RFP advertised for two separate contracts for the ICE and the Owner’s/Engineer’s Estimating services. July 25, 2019 TH 169 Redefine Project

33 ICE/EE Procurements Scope of work for both contracts is very similar
production-based, contractor-style estimates at each of the design milestones and at the price proposal/bid schedule analysis and development at each of the design milestones and at the price proposal/bid July 25, 2019 TH 169 Redefine Project 33

34 ICE/EE Procurements Desired Skills
production-based, contractor-style estimating for projects of similar size, scope and complexity schedule analysis and development for projects of similar size, scope and complexity Relevant CMGC experience and an understanding of the CMGC process July 25, 2019 TH 169 Redefine Project 34

35 ICE/EE Procurements Responder’s submission of a proposal is acknowledgement that Responder may be assigned, at MnDOT’s discretion, the ICE or the EE services contract. July 25, 2019 TH 169 Redefine Project

36 ICE/EE Procurements Procurements Schedule
RFP scheduled to be advertised fall 2019 4-week advertisement planned ICE and EE under contract soon after the CMGC Contractor July 25, 2019 TH 169 Redefine Project 36

37 CMGC/ICE/EE Procurements
Continue to watch the MnDOT Consultant Services website for procurement updates, clarifications, and addendums: July 25, 2019 TH 169 Redefine Project 37

38 Darren Nelson, Project Manager
Thank you! Darren Nelson, Project Manager July 25, 2019 TH 169 Redefine Project

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