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EXPERT GROUPS By: Mrs. Thomas.

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Presentation on theme: "EXPERT GROUPS By: Mrs. Thomas."— Presentation transcript:

1 EXPERT GROUPS By: Mrs. Thomas

2 Types of Experts Summarizer Scene Photographer
Literary Devices Detective Real Life Connector Historian (Timeline)

3 Summarizer Choose 10 unfamiliar words and make a list of them.
*10 words that you have not used in the last 2 weeks. Using the 10 unfamiliar words, write a one to two paragraph summary of what you have read. *Be sure to underline the 10 words.

4 Scene Photographer Pick out the most important scene from what you have read so far. Draw a picture and color it. Write a caption for the picture using the third person point of view. *In the caption be sure to include: 1. Where does the scene take place? 2. When does the scene take place? 3. What is happening in the scene? 4. Who is in the picture? 5. Why is this the most important scene?

5 Literary Devices Detective
Find the author’s use of at least 5 literary devices. Write the example from the book (page number and location of page). Identify the type of literary device being used. In one to two sentences, write why the author chose to use this literary device.

6 Real Life Connector Write a one to two paragraph real life connection.
*This connection can be made to a current event or a personal experience. This connection should include: An explanation of the event from the book. An explanation of the current event or personal experience. How the two events relate to one another.

7 Historian (Timeline) You must create a timeline of the events that happened in the portion of the book you have been assigned. This timeline can be a numbered list of events or an actual time line. Each event should be described in at least one sentence. Each event should be a key event in the development of the story.

8 Working Together! Your job is to become an expert in the area that you are assigned. You will be sharing this information with a group of people who have not completed the job you have. Therefore, it is your job to prepare to teach them what you have learned through discussion with your expert group. You must work together to decide what you are writing down. This means you must talk to the people in your expert group. Everyone in your expert groups should have the same items to share with their groups. However, you may NOT allow one person to do the work. Therefore, I should not see anyone copying anyone else’s papers.

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