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India Proposal on part B4 GTR-2 Amendment Criteria for % CO2 variation

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1 India Proposal on part B4 GTR-2 Amendment Criteria for % CO2 variation

2 Criteria for declared CO2 value
Clause No of part B4 prescribes the permitted variation between the declared value and the Type approval test results as : “The CO2 value or the value of fuel consumption adopted as the [approval]/[certification] value shall be that declared by the manufacturer if this is not exceeded by more than 4 percent by the value measured by the technical service. The measured value may be lower without any limitations.” Observations by India: This 4% criteria is taken from 4W regulation where typical CO2 value is more than 80g/km. In the case of small 2Wheers (Class 1 & 2) typical CO2 value will be in the range of 30 to 60 g/km. (For details pl. refer test data on slide No.3). Considering the large test variability for these class of vehicles 4% criteria need to be reviewed for the appropriate value. Data collected by India is given in the next slide with the analysis based on which criteria value is proposed.


4 Proposal For WMTC class 1 and 2, the tolerance limit for CO2 variation shall be 6%. For WMTC class 3, the 4% limit is found to be ok. Accordingly the clause of part B4 need to be modified as follows: “The CO2 value or the value of fuel consumption adopted as the [approval]/[certification] value shall be that declared by the manufacturer if this is not exceeded by more than 6 percent for class 1&2 and 4 percent for class 3 by the value measured by the technical service. The measured value may be lower without any limitations.”

5 Thank you

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