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ETSI STF333: “European accessibility requirements for public procurement of products and services in the ICT domain, Phase 1” (EC Standardisation Mandate.

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Presentation on theme: "ETSI STF333: “European accessibility requirements for public procurement of products and services in the ICT domain, Phase 1” (EC Standardisation Mandate."— Presentation transcript:

1 ETSI STF333: “European accessibility requirements for public procurement of products and services in the ICT domain, Phase 1” (EC Standardisation Mandate M/376 to CEN, CENELEC and ETSI) Bruno von Niman ETSI TC Human Factors Vice Chairman STF 333 Leader GA49(07)XX

2 ETSI STF 333 Nikos Floratos, Bruno von Niman (STF Leader), Walter Mellors, Sean Hayes, Gunnar Hellström, Richard Hodgkinson ETSI STF333 (M ITS ICT Accessibility WG AG9 Stockholm, Sweden, January 22, 2008

3 Open, collaborative, liaison-dense, open process
“European accessibility requirements for public procurement of products and services in the ICT domain, Phase 1” (EC Standardisation Mandate M/376 to CEN, CENELEC and ETSI) One Mandate Two phases, two teams Open, collaborative, liaison-dense, open process Welcome requirements, input and comments through true, all-accessible communication means supported: , (WAI AAA) Voice calls: +46 733 66 12 82  Text calls (v.21): +46 8 556 002 05 Total conversation (SIP only; speech, text and sign language supported): Proud to provide truly accessible communication means! ETSI STF333 (M ITS ICT Accessibility WG AG9 Stockholm, Sweden, January 22, 2008

4 Deliverable (1/2) An ETSI Technical Report (development during September 2007 – May/October 2008; project ends in March 2009) that will provide: An inventory of ICT products and services (grouped in technical areas) that are usually bought by public procurers which will cover at least the ICT products addressed in Section 508 and Canadian toolkit. Other ICT products may be added, if identified as bought by public administrations. a forward-looking approach will be taken.   A list of existing functional accessibility requirements in Member States and internationally for those ICT products and services within each technical area, particularly those currently in use in public procurement the requirements will cover the concepts of “Design for All" and “Assistive Technology".   In each technical area, gaps will be identified where no accessibility requirements exist suggestions will be provided for developing missing or additional requirements.   ETSI STF333 (M ITS ICT Accessibility WG AG9 Stockholm, Sweden, January 22, 2008

5 Deliverable (2/2) 4. A list of existing national, European and international standards and technical specifications (in the sense of Directive 98/34) will be identified which might comply with those requirements. An assessment will be made on whether the above mentioned requirements can be used as either technical specifications or as criteria for awarding public contracts (in the sense of the Public Procurement Directives).   5. A proposal will be made for a standardization work programme for the development of requirements and award criteria that still do not exist or that are not yet standardized or where the existing requirements are not considered adequate or suitable as either technical specification or award criteria. The work program will provide an indication of the types of standardization deliverables best suited to carry out the work described in phase II of the Mandate, other than for II.1 where an EN is required. Development in close collaboration with the CEN PT Cross-approval of deliverables by all three ESOs ETSI STF333 (M ITS ICT Accessibility WG AG9 Stockholm, Sweden, January 22, 2008

6 Time plan September 2007: Start of work, progress reporting to ETSI TC HF October 2007: Coordination with CEN and ICTSB/DATSCG November 2007: Release of first public draft TR for comments; three updates scheduled; First Steering Group reporting January 2008: CEN BT and DATSCG reporting; Release of second public draft for comments (will be widely and actively announced) February 2008: Progress reporting to ETSI TC HF March 2008: Interim Progress Report to EC/EFTA April 2008: Early public workshops/presentations June 2008: Open (EC-hosted?) progress reporting to ETSI TC HF Sept/Oct 2008: Progress reporting to ETSI TC HF; submission of the Final Draft TR, for approval process (end of development work phase) Formal reporting and closure: February Final report to ETSI TC HF and publication of the ETSI Technical Report by the ESOs, following joint agreement March Final Report to the European Commission and EFTA and closure of the project The M 376 Phase II work will follow. ETSI STF333 (M ITS ICT Accessibility WG AG9 Stockholm, Sweden, January 22, 2008

7 Public draft release time plan
ETSI STF333 (M ITS ICT Accessibility WG AG9 Stockholm, Sweden, January 22, 2008

8 Some investigation topics
Forward-looking, broad ICT perspectives Functional, service-centric focus Lifecycle approach How address beyond delivery? Weight of accessibility requirements Matched to current proceses SIMAP, CPV codes, practices, 508, Canadian toolkit Practical experiences, processes, lessons learned? End user segmentation investigation business- consumer- corporate, children, etc Study of national requirements, processes, toolkits, approaches other available options? Global liaisons and cross-referencing Degree of achievable, global harmonization? CEN BT and PT coordination ETSI STF333 (M ITS ICT Accessibility WG AG9 Stockholm, Sweden, January 22, 2008

9 Coordination and reporting activities: ETSI TC HF, CEN/BT/WG 185 (eAccessibility), CEN PT
Home page published 3 days after start of the work Two progress reports to ETSI TC HF Liaisons initiated during October 2007, soon to be intensified 1 October 2007, Brussels CEN PT coordination and activity planning meeting 2 October 2007, Brussels Presentation to CET/BT/WG185 and EC Officials 23 November 2007, 1st Steering Group meeting 14 January 2008, Swedish SIS presentation and feedback 16 January, CEN BT information 17 January 2008, ICTSB DATSCG reporting Mobility Conference 2007 introduction National WG presentations (e.g. Sweden) UK Ability Magazine publication Activities under consideration and planning include HFT 2008, ITU 2008, ICCHP 2008,… ETSI STF333 (M ITS ICT Accessibility WG AG9 Stockholm, Sweden, January 22, 2008

10 Draft TR review ETSI STF333 (M ITS ICT Accessibility WG AG9 Stockholm, Sweden, January 22, 2008

11 THANK YOU! Questions? GA49(07)XX

12 ETSI TC Human Factors- senaste nytt
21st Human Factors in Telecommunication Symposium, AG9 #41s slutsatser, rekommendationer och kommentarer om tester av 3G-telefoner har vidarebefordrats till ETSI STF322 och 333 kommer att inkluderas i diverse dokument t.ex. bildväxlingsfrekvens kraven, bättre produktinformation, eventuell kvalitetsstämpel, rätten att få prova en terminal innan köp EU-Kommissionen har varit väldigt aktiva inom “human aspects of ICT”. Bland TC HFs aktiviteter: “World Standards Day”, “European Day of People with Disabilities” and the “Lisbon Ministerial Debate on e-Inclusion Policy”. ETSI STF333 (M ITS ICT Accessibility WG AG9 Stockholm, Sweden, January 22, 2008

13 Status projektaktiviteter
Aktiva: 299 Telecare (e-Health) – Membership vote due for completion 1st Feb 2008 300 Telephone keypad – New ETSI Standard published and project closed 304 AT commands Assist. Mob. – New ETSI Technical Specification published and project closed 322 3G mobile guidelines – Initial draft ETSI Guide available 323 Children service guide – Draft ETSI Technical Specification available 324 PIAPS – Draft ETSI Technical Specification available 325 Relay services text phones – Initial draft ES and TR available 326 Spoken commands vocabulary – Initial draft ES available 333 M/376 Accessibility Phase 1 – Work started, initial draft available 342 User Profile Management – STF team recruited STFs in preparation and the call for experts expected shortly: SA Realtime User Exp SB eHealth User Profiles SC ICT in cars ETSI STF333 (M ITS ICT Accessibility WG AG9 Stockholm, Sweden, January 22, 2008

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