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Curriculum Development Discussion By Jeff Romine and Dean Ryerson

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Presentation on theme: "Curriculum Development Discussion By Jeff Romine and Dean Ryerson"— Presentation transcript:

1 Curriculum Development Discussion By Jeff Romine and Dean Ryerson

2   Welcome! Reminder to Curriculum Chairs: Have you shared copies of your curriculum with Steve Denning to post to the MDA PETS Alliance Resource pages?

3 1. How do you know, with certainty, that your curriculum is accomplishing your goals and objectives? What tools are you using? What is working?

4 2. Does your PETS utilize both general sessions and District sessions
 2. Does your PETS utilize both general sessions and District sessions? How do you decide the topical coverage in each? How do you monitor these sessions? How do you help your DGs and their trainers?

5 3. How does your organization make improvements in your curriculum
  3. How does your organization make improvements in your curriculum? What process is utilized?  

6   4. Do you publicly praise and express appreciation to the individuals working behind the scenes to maintain a strong viable curriculum and recognize their efforts along with the work of your facilitators?

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