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Presentation on theme: "NEW STEPS IN THE PROJECT GIS NATURA 2000"— Presentation transcript:


2 NATURA 2000 The Council Directive on the conservation of wild birds, 79/409/EEC The Council Directive on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora, 92/43/EC 24-Aug-19 LUXEMBOURG

3 NATURA 2000 Biogeographical regions
Biodiversity oriented: species ad habitats 24-Aug-19 LUXEMBOURG

4 NATURA 2000 14 901 sites of Community interest have been proposed,
hectares. 2 827 special protection areas for birds,covering hectares. 24-Aug-19 LUXEMBOURG

5 NATURA 2000 Follow-up of Proposals: The delays 24-Aug-19 LUXEMBOURG

6 NATURA 2000 Data requirements already defined: Descriptive data
Maps (paper / digital) 24-Aug-19 LUXEMBOURG

7 NATURA 2000 Management (article 6 of 92/43/EC)
Conservation objectives of the site (habitats and species). Environmental impact assessment Management plans 24-Aug-19 LUXEMBOURG

8 N2K GIS Creation and validation of data to produce a single, harmonised layer containing the contours of the Natura sites . Spatial analyses and cartographic presentations. Management of the databases, including the inputting and updating of data. Developing, adjusting and implementing client applications, taking account of the needs of users. Transfer of knowledge, user training and full delivery of the products. 24-Aug-19 LUXEMBOURG

9 N2K GIS Several partners co-operate in the project
The Commission’s Environment Directorate-General. Eurostat. The European Environment Agency’s European Topic Centre on Nature Protection and Biodiversity. The Institute for Environment and Sustainability (Ispra) of the Joint Research Centre. 24-Aug-19 LUXEMBOURG

10 N2K GIS Data Catalogues are prepared in Brussels
These data are checked to control their quality and consistency (spatial analysis), by using GISVAL Member States are informed and new information may be requested Data are validated again Consolidated data are used to describe the sites to be included in the lists of Natura 2000 sites, and The data are eventually included in the data base 24-Aug-19 LUXEMBOURG

11 N2K GIS problems to be tackled are not only technical, but also organisational, both at Community and at national level. the accuracy and alacrity with which the Member States submit all types of information considerably influence the degree of progress that can be made. the differences between Member States regarding cartography, data formats, storage, etc have been highlighted once again. it is often difficult for the Commission to know the methodology followed by Member States to calculate some important parameters of the sites (mainly the area). 24-Aug-19 LUXEMBOURG

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Information required for sustainable management of the land. Monitoring. ENLARGEMENT… 24-Aug-19 LUXEMBOURG

17 NATURA 2000 & ENLARGEMENT Emerald network
Training and transfer of knowledge Modification of EU legislation 24-Aug-19 LUXEMBOURG

18 N2K GIS: new steps to facilitate the access to the information by all concerned or interested public. to facilitate the modification and the updating of the information by all concerned actors. to analyse the needs for the downloading of complete data sets via a networked system. 24-Aug-19 LUXEMBOURG

19 N2K GIS: new steps In order to facilitate the access to the information by all concerned or interested public, an analysis of the need for consulting information on Natura 2000 sites via a networked system is to be carried out. As a result, an application prototype will be developed, implemented, adjusted and put into operation. In order to facilitate the modification and the updating of the information by all concerned actors, an analysis of the possibilities for updating the information in the database via a networked system will be carried out. A prototype will be defined. In the framework of the INSPIRE initiative, an analysis of the needs for the downloading of complete data sets via a networked system will be carried out. As a result, an application prototype will be developed, implemented, adjusted and put into operation. 24-Aug-19 LUXEMBOURG

20 N2K GIS: new steps 24-Aug-19 LUXEMBOURG

21 N2K GIS & INSPIRE Natura 2000 Standard Data Form required geographical information without specifying the geographic format, That results in Difficulties at MS level to produce the requested information Difficulties to handle and harmonise the information contained in the maps received Difficulties in handling data: copyright, how to update information, enlargement? 24-Aug-19 LUXEMBOURG

22 N2K GIS & INSPIRE Lack of use of standards Lack of co-ordination
incompatible information and information systems fragmentation of information overlap Lack of co-ordination across boarders between levels of government that are important data providers Lack of data Data policy restrictions pricing, copyright, access rights, licensing policy 24-Aug-19 LUXEMBOURG

23 N2K GIS & INSPIRE  The urgent need to define metadata on Nature protection policies data according to the European standards. To think about protocols to list and divide tasks to build NATURA 2000 part of the ESDI. To define real interoperable systems over the worldwide network and the need to subscribe with the new NATURA system to this strategy.  To focus initially on the implementation of topographic data layers, that could be the basis for many and diverse projects, across different scales. 24-Aug-19 LUXEMBOURG

24 N2K GIS Many thanks for listening!


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