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Betsy Conners and Dan Carroll DATAG Summer 2019

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1 Betsy Conners and Dan Carroll DATAG Summer 2019

2 Fulton City School District
Half hour north of Syracuse 3460 PK-12 students 6 buildings (4 elementary/ 1 junior high/ 1 high school) 61% economically disadvantaged 5% Hispanic

3 FCSD’s Accountability History
: Focus District/ 1 Focus School/ 2 LAP Schools : Focus District/ 1 Focus School/ 2 LAP Schools : Focus District/ 1 Focus School : All Schools in Good Standing!

4 Fulton: Former Focus District with 1+ TSI Subgroup

5 Basis of FCSD Target District Designation
Does not apply to FCSD

6 2018-19 ESSA Accountability Status:
While all FCSD buildings are in Good Standing… The Fulton City School District is identified as a “Target District” due to the Academic Progress of its Hispanic subgroup


8 DTSDE Tenets of Effective School Systems and Practices
Tenet 1 – Systems and Organization: Effective schools establish school-wide systems and structures that promote continuous improvement and success for all students. Tenet 2 – School Leadership: Visionary leaders create a school community and culture that leads to success, well-being, and high academic outcomes for all students. Tenet 3 – Curriculum: Effective schools provide students with rigorous, coherent, and relevant curricula that prepares all students for success. Tenet 4 – Instruction: Effective teachers engage with students in a manner that promotes mastery and allows students to stretch their knowledge and deepen their understanding. Tenet 5 – Social-Emotional Learning: Effective schools develop a systematic approach to Social-Emotional Learning to ensure that all students can develop social-emotional learning skills necessary for success within and beyond school. Tenet 6– Parent and Community Engagement: Effective schools develop a systematic approach to Family and Community Engagement to empower parents to effectively advocate for their child’s learning and for the improvement of the school. Complete DTSDE Framework

9 FCSD and the PLC Associates “Data Triangle” Surveys
2015 2017 2018 2019 Family Engagement Survey (Parents/ Community Members) 357 383 995 670 School Performance Scan (teachers) 187 199 300 282 Student Voice (students in grades 3-6) 946 862 910 934 Student Voice (students in grades 7-12) 773 660 992 1083 TOTAL: 2263 2104 3197 2969

10 Required for all CSI and TSI

11 And if you’re not on an accountability list…
Consolidated Application - Level 1 Addendum* (due August 31) As detailed in Commissioners Regulation , any school with any accountability measure of Level 1 for any subgroup that is not a CSI or TSI school shall: Participate in a needs assessment, in a format as may be prescribed by the Commissioner, to determine the additional support that the school needs to improve performance. Such needs assessment must identify the academic achievement gaps between accountability subgroups within the school, the root causes for the gaps, and delineate the resources and strategies that the district will use to support the school to address such gaps; Based on the needs assessment, in a format as may be prescribed by the Commissioner, the district, in consultation with parents, school staff, and other stakeholders at the school, consistent with the district plan pursuant to section of this Part, shall identify additional resources that the district will provide to the school to assist it to increase performance on the accountability measure for the identified group(s). Provided that in its consolidated application submitted to the department, the district must identify the additional resources and professional development that the district will provide the school to improve performance.

12 Purpose The Data Triangle positions districts and schools to continually assess the culture of the organization as a whole, measure school progress according to specific indicators, engage key stakeholder groups – staff, students, and community and set the organization up for long term, sustained success. It can be successfully used as a tool for first, establishing and then sustaining, a high performing culture.

13 Quantitative Measures
For purposes of interpreting the data – three categories are established for the Quantitative interpretation. Survey questions are framed such that “Strongly Agree” and “Agree” responses represent district/building assets. Those responses are aggregated in the following categories: SA/A 75% > Green/ Asset 50 – 74% Yellow/ Emerging Strength SA/A Below 50% Red/ Potential Risk

14 4 years of same-question response data

15 4 years of same-question response data

16 4 years of same-question response data

17 Sharing The Data The data reports generated from this survey are utilized beyond central administration and the groups involved in planning to: SPS – Each school SV- Student groups such as Student Council FES – Parent organizations

18 Data Triangle Analysis Considerations
Is this important for us to know? In other words, is it relevant to our district? Will this give us actionable information? Is this information linked to research-based best practices and/or our own district’s initiatives, priorities, and needs?

19 Tenet 2: School Leadership
8/24/2019 Tenet 2: School Leadership Tenet 2 FES SPS SV-Elementary SV-Secondary 2015 2017 2018 2019 Fairgrieve 82% 78% 90% 86% 95% 93% 94% 85% 75% 54% Granby 87% 92% 77% 83% 35% Lanigan 96% 89% 81% 84% 50% Volney 91% 73% 63% 58% 49% GRB 66% 65% 80% 79% 55% 71% 72% 51% 56% 53% FJHS 64% 70% 61% 69% FCSD 76% 47% 57%

20 DTSDE Tenet 2: School Leadership
Strategic Coherence Area: Leadership Strategic Intent #1A: By 2023, all school leaders will agree upon systems and structures to examine and improve individual and school-wide practices. SCP Year 1 Strategy: 1.1a Create processes that promote collaborative leadership, co-learning, and shared accountability for continuous improvement of student learning. (Cultivating Collaborative Cultures) DCIP Tenet 2 SMART GOAL By Spring of 2020, Staff Performance Scan survey results will reveal a 5% increase in the Strongly Agree/Agree responses to the following item: I receive helpful instructional feedback and guidance from our school leaders. (Target = 73%)

21 Tenet 4: Instruction Tenet 4 FES SPS SV-Elementary SV-Secondary 2015
2017 2018 2019 Fairgrieve 74% 69% 87% 77% 96% 95% 92% 83% 79% 82% 85% Granby 72% 89% 86% 88% 81% 80% Lanigan 90% 91% 84% 75% Volney 73% 76% GRB 58% 51% 67% 65% 70% 55% 52% 47% FJHS 78% 66% 56% 59% FCSD 62% 54%

22 DTSDE Tenet 4: Instruction
Strategic Coherence Area: Instruction Strategic Intent #3: By 2024, 80% of respondents to the Student Voice Survey will agree/strongly agree with the statement(s): • Classes are interesting and keep my attention. • In class we often work with partners or in groups. • My teachers explain things in different ways so that all students can learn. SCP Year 1 Strategies: 3.1c Develop and communicate a cohesive message to all stakeholders regarding the purpose, relevant research, and implementation of FCSD Instructional Priorities. 3.2b Schedule quarterly calibration meetings to ensure consistency in the observation of Instructional Priorities. 3.2c Provide time for teachers to observe peers and share feedback with relation to the district’s Instructional Priorities. DCIP Tenet 4 SMART GOAL By Spring of 2020, Student Voice survey results will reveal increases in the Strongly Agree/Agree responses to the following statements. Classes are interesting and keep my attention. (secondary target = 38% A/SA) (elementary target = 80% A/SA) In class we often work with partners or in groups.(secondary target = 45% A/SA) (elementary target = 79% A/SA) My teachers explain things in different ways so that all students can learn. (secondary target = 45% A/SA) (elementary target = 90% A/SA)

23 Tenet 5: Social-Emotional Learning
FES SPS SV-Elementary SV-Secondary 2015 2017 2018 2019 Fairgrieve 77% 71% 87% 81% 84% 88% 91% 90% Granby 76% 86% 89% 67% 70% 75% 93% 92% Lanigan 83% 79% 78% 73% 85% Volney 68% 62% 94% GRB 58% 56% 59% 69% 66% 61% 52% FJHS 80% 48% 57% FCSD 65% 53%

24 DTSDE Tenet 5: Social-Emotional Learning
Strategic Coherence Area: Social Emotional Developmental Health Strategic Intent #4:By 2024, 90% of respondents to the Student Voice Survey will agree/strongly agree with the statement(s): “I feel welcomed and part of my school.” SCP Year 1 Strategies: 4.1a Communicate the purpose and expected outcomes of SEL to all stakeholders in the FCSD community. 4.1b Implement and evaluate the adopted FCSD SEL curriculum with fidelity and in alignment with NYS SEL guidelines. 4.2a Communicate the purpose and expected outcomes of positive school culture and trauma sensitive practices to all stakeholders. DCIP Tenet 5 SMART GOAL By Spring of 2020, Student Voice survey results will reveal increases in the Strongly Agree/Agree responses to the statement that, "I feel welcomed and part of my school." Grade-level-specific targets are in parentheses. I feel welcomed and part of my school. (Secondary Target = 61% SA/A) I feel welcomed and part of my school. (Elementary Target = 93% SA/A)

25 Tenet 6: Parent and Community Engagement
FES SPS SV-Elementary SV-Secondary 2015 2017 2018 2019 Fairgrieve 71% 67% 86% 78% 85% 83% 87% 79% 69% 75% Granby 73% 88% 77% 82% 74% 76% Lanigan 89% 70% 72% 61% Volney 80% 68% GRB 54% 47% 49% 65% 58% 59% FJHS 41% 64% 56% 45% 66% FCSD 84% 81% 63%

26 DTSDE Tenet 6: Parent and Community Engagement
Strategic Coherence Area: Family Engagement Strategic Intent #5: By 2024, 90% of respondents to the district Family Engagement survey will agree/strongly agree with the statements: Our school actively engages our family in conversations around needs/progress. During family conferences, teachers explain specific data about progress. Teachers contact me; not just in times of concern. Our school report cards provide families with clear information. SCP Year 1 Strategies: 5.1a Establish and implement a back-to-school protocol for welcoming students and families in a way that sets a positive tone for the new school year. 5.1f Establish a district-wide family engagement advisory board with representation from each building. 5.1g Hold student-led conferences a minimum of once a year to empower all K-12 students in sharing their academic, social, and behavioral needs, progress and goals. DCIP Tenet 6 SMART GOAL By Spring of 2020, Family Engagement survey results will reveal a 5% increase in the Strongly Agree/Agree response to the following item: Teachers contact me; not just in times of concern. (Target = 71% SA/A)

27 Questions and Discussion
Contact us: Betsy Conners: Executive Director of Instruction and Assessment Dan Carroll: Director of Instructional Support Services

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