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Plate Tectonics.

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Presentation on theme: "Plate Tectonics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Plate Tectonics

2 Why do plates move? The heated, liquid mantle allows the pieces (plates) on the crust to move around slowly.

3 Plates When the boundary of two plates meet, it is called a fault.
Earthquakes and volcanoes occur at faults.

4 Convergent Boundaries
Two plates come together This movement produces mountains & volcanoes Appalachian Mountains Rocky Mountains

5 Divergent Boundaries Two plates move apart (divide)
This movement allows magma to seep up from the mantle, they are responsible for volcanoes Mt. McKinley Mt. Kilauea

6 Transform Boundaries Two plates slide past one another
This movement creates earthquakes Along the San Andreas Fault

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