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S/P lower segment transverse C/S for placenta previa totalis

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Presentation on theme: "S/P lower segment transverse C/S for placenta previa totalis"— Presentation transcript:

1 S/P lower segment transverse C/S for placenta previa totalis
2019년 7월 Quiz 39/F S/P lower segment transverse C/S for placenta previa totalis #POD 0 day: bilateral uterine artery embolization with gelfoam #POD 10 days: fever

2 POD 10 days #POD 10 days with fever

3 POD 10 days #POD 10 days with fever

4 #POD 1 day #POD 5 days POD 5 days #POD 13 days #POD 17 days

5 POD 19 days T2 WI Enhanced T1 WI #POD 19 days

6 T2 WI T1 WI Enhanced T1 WI #POD 19 days

7 Quiz 진단은? MMMT Infected hematoma Uterine necrosis Remnant placenta
Gestational trophoblastic tumor

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