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Welcome Supply Corps Officers and Guests
2018 OP Roadshow Welcome Supply Corps Officers and Guests Welcome — officers and guests Thank you for what you do daily basis for our Navy and Nation Roadshow because + dialogue about what our community values – sustained superior performance, relevance, and professional reputation + all accountable for each other + “students of the game”, constantly improving our level of competence while leading with character and sound judgment
2018 OP Roadshow Chief of Supply Corps’ Welcome Message Who We Are
Detailing Development Boards Reserves Myth Busting Mentoring & What’s New Speak to slide Chief’s Message Who We Are Detailing Development Boards Reserves Myth Busting
Welcome from the Chief of Supply Corps
Play video with RADM Yuen’s FY18 Roadshow Remarks Chief’s Message Who We Are Detailing Development Boards Reserves Myth Busting
Supporting the Maritime Strategy
A Cooperative Strategy for 21st Century Seapower - Maritime Strategy U.S. Forward Naval Presence Naval forces are stronger when we operate jointly and together with allies and partners A Design for Maintaining Maritime Superiority Ready to conduct prompt, sustained combat incident to operations at sea Preserve America’s strategic influence in key regions of the world Deter aggression and enable peaceful resolution of crises Conduct decisive combat operations on enemy if deterrence fails ** Forward Presence Committed to CNO’s maritime strategy with billets that reflect strategy tenets in support of warfighter + deter conflict + respond to crises + defeat aggression + protect maritime commons + strengthen partnerships + provide HADR SC among most geographically diverse Navy officer communities Must know how to conduct logistics across various AORs Take advantage of overseas opportunities Chief’s Message Who We Are Detailing Development Boards Reserves Myth Busting
Where we need your expertise
Supply Corps Billets by Line of Operation by Supported Enterprise O4 / O5 Developing Skills Must develop skills required by rank as you advance ** O4/O5 build skills (resume) to succeed as O6 + ultimately SME Bulk of billets directly support fleet + junior in nature + through O3, emphasis on operations/warfare development As become more senior, more emphasis on SYSCOM/Joint and ECH I/II support + enhancing skillsets Chief’s Message Who We Are Detailing Development Boards Reserves Myth Busting
Supply Corps (3100) LOS Chart Fall 2017 (NOPPS and OAIS data)
How the community inventory looks ahead of, and in some cases behind, you + a significant gap between inventory (the bars) and authorization (the yellow shaded area) + we promote to vacancy (YGs do not define your zone) + may get pulled into zone earlier Misunderstanding that we are over-manned in the LT + access officers to fill 2nd Op tour billets (LT) + use promotion board to shape inventory (i.e. LCDR) You MUST + build skillsets (AQDs and SUBSPECs) + meet requirements of promotion board convening order and precept Chief’s Message Who We Are Detailing Development Boards Reserves Myth Busting
3100 Career Progression Career Path
J.O. BASIC TECHNICAL DEVELOPMENT & LEADERSHIP ADVANCED TECHNICAL PROFICIENCY & LEADERSHIP SENIOR OFFICER DEVELOPMENT & LEADERSHIP ADMIN BOARD INTERNSHIP ADMIN BOARD CIVINS (810/811) ADMIN BOARD TRAINING W/ INDUSTRY (TWI) ADMIN BOARD O5 OP/ COMMAND ADMIN BOARD O6 COMMAND Typical Billets Joint/OPLOG/Acquisition/Supply Chain/TWI or O4 Operational Tour O5 Operational or Command Tour Joint/OPLOG/Acquisition Supply Chain/Policy Command Tour Echelon II or III Policy or Program Manager BQC Operational Tour Shore/ Internship Operational 2nd Tour Warfare Qualification DAWIA I & II/SC Master’s Program/JPME I DAWIA III/Sr Svc College/JPME II/JQO ETP Career Progression chart that statutory selection board members see + leadership consistent across career + admin board opportunities + typical billets (general) + what you should be obtaining (experience) as you progress (warfare quals, DAWIA certs, etc.) + lines of operation and AQDs ** addition of 9L1/9L2 3100 Principal Lines of Operation with Subspecialty & AQD Alignment SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT ACQUISITION MANAGEMENT OPERATIONAL LOGISTICS OPERATIONAL AQD IA/GSA AQD Chief’s Message Who We Are Detailing Development Boards Reserves Myth Busting
Sustained Superior Performance matters at every rank!
Community Values Valued achievements prior to LIEUTENANT COMMANDER Warfare qualification Afloat or Expeditionary DH tour (strongly encouraged) Two operational tours (at sea, expeditionary, or both) Identified by AQD 928 (COMP1 OPTOUR) – one operational tour complete Identified by AQD 92A (ASGN2 OPTOUR) – assigned to second operational tour Identified by AQD 929 (COMP2 OPTOUR) – two operational tours complete Valued achievements prior to COMMANDER Master’s degree associated with Supply Corps lines of operation (strongly encouraged) Proven performer in at least one line of operation (strongly encouraged) Tough visible tours that balance skillset development and operational experience, e.g., HQ/OPNAV, Fleet Staff, TYCOM, SYSCOM, Weapon Systems Support, Fleet Logistics Center, the Joint or DLA equivalents, and Large Afloat Valued achievements prior to CAPTAIN Proven ability to lead and direct people and organizations in tough, highly visible and challenging environments Expertise in one & experience in another line of operation/competency (encouraged) O-5 Operational or Command Ashore tour, e.g., DCMA, DLA (strongly encouraged) Joint Qualified Officer (JQO) or Acquisition Corps membership (strongly encouraged) Draft FY18 SECNAV Approved SC Promotion Board Community Brief + chart highlights achievements valued SC (step through values) + however, best and fully qualified with a career marked by sustained superior performance Board members receive a brief of these two slides prior to commencing record reviews ** Large Afloat valued for promotion to CDR Sustained Superior Performance matters at every rank! Chief’s Message Who We Are Detailing Development Boards Reserves Myth Busting
Shore Tours (subspecialty driven)
Are you detailable? The answer changes with rank Operational Tours Shore Tours (subspecialty driven) - An expert in multiple Lines of Operation - Ability to lead organizations SUBJECT MATTER EXPERT O5 Op 11% of billets Focus: - Upgrade subspecialties P/S to Q/R - DAWIA Lvl III; JPME II - An expert in one Line of Operation Focus: - Developing a line of operation - Upgrade subspecialty P/S to Q/R - JPME phase I - Honing your skill in a Line of Operation; Post PG school O4 Op 12% of billets O3 Op 32% of billets 2/3 are DH tour Focus: - Line of Operation familiarity - Earn an AQD - Earn a subspecialty (S for experience) - DAWIA Lvl I and II - Learning a trade JOs - focus on the Fleet and warfare qualification + ENS = operational + most LTJG /LT shore not coded (exception: internships) + LT - nearly 1/3 operational and 2/3 of Op are DH (strongly encouraged) LCDR + PG: 810 / 811 / NPS / War College (Earn P SUBSPEC) + SUBSPECs are critical milestones in toolbox. + experience tours – upgrade P/S SUBSPECs to Q/R (essential to being detailable) + competitive/visible sea tours (12% of billets) + JPME phase I / AC membership CDR + oral board (when eligible) to compete for O5 operational/Command Ashore + only 11% of CDR billets operational + need to become SME with multiple, competitive shore tours CAPT = SME with proven ability to lead large organizations in tough, visible and challenging environments Not detailable hard to promote and even harder to find jobs Sustained Superior Performance ALWAYs FIRST SHORE TOUR FLEET CONCENTRATED 02 Op 62% of billets - Interns 01 Op 100% of billets Chief’s Message Who We Are Detailing Development Boards Reserves Myth Busting
Personal Goals / Desires
The Detailing Process Detail by PRD Detail by CY Window: 10 mos (OCONUS) / 8 mos (CONUS) PRD shift requests ISO billet desires = risk Slating for O4’s (O3’s when multiple candidates) Both coded and GENSUP opportunities O5: Slated by hierarchy Chief approves all O6 and Op / Cmd O5 There is no golden path to success. You will make choices with every detail guided by mentors within the constraints of the Detailing Triad. Personal factors priorities change (i.e. co-location). Sustained Superior Performance matters with every assignment! Professional Needs Needs of the Navy Detailing Triad Describe detailing, by + O1-O3 (no barriers unless nominative) + O4 + O5 + O6 Triad – work/life balance PCS $ ** commands, do not get out in front of detailers Personal Goals / Desires Chief’s Message Who We Are Detailing Development Boards Reserves Myth Busting
LT DH SUBS COMPETITION Professional reputation
What your resume says about you Line of Operation Development O7 SME Major Command Major Staff O6 O5 OP / Shore Staff R/Q/F Tour Quality & Competition Skill Set Development & Qualifications Sustained Superior Performance MORE COMPETITION Joint Experience O5 O4 OP COMPETITION P/G POST GRAD SCHOOL Shore O4 Tour Quality & Competition (milestones) Skill Set Development & Qualifications (PG / SME) Sustained Superior Performance (succeed in tough, visible tours) LT DH 2nd DIVO S O3 Internships SHORE SUBS FLEET OP TOURS O1 Chief’s Message Who We Are Detailing Development Boards Reserves Myth Busting
What your resume says about you Your Board
Sustained Superior Performance is Competition & competitive breakouts “My #1 DH, regardless of designator!” Warfare qualification when available Consistently above Reporting Senior average Physically fit (no PFA failures) EP or MP when available (no air gaps) Progressively challenging, tough visible tours Milestone completion / qualifications - Op Tours - JPME I - AC membership - Master’s BEST & FULLY QUALIFIED FY18 LCDR Promotion Statistics Board process + convening order + precept Best and Fully Qualified Sustained superior performance is… Promotion stats (OP monthly) No longer reviewed: Photo AZ / IZ / BZ stamps Chief’s Message Who We Are Detailing Development Boards Reserves Myth Busting
Reserve Supply Community Full Time Support (FTS)
Full Time Support a critical link between the AC and RC Provide full-time support, training & management of the Navy Reserves Provide guidance to leadership on Navy Supply Corps Reserve availability and capability 90 Officers O1-O6 Career progression mirrors AC to LCDR Affiliation - FTS Re-designation Boards, OCT & APR based on YG requirements Speak to bullets Two FTS re-designation (3100 to 3107) boards annually + 1X FOS eligible Highly selective FTS Detailer: (901) Chief’s Message Who We Are Detailing Development Boards Reserves Myth Busting
Reserve Supply Community Selected Reserve (SELRES)
1,014 “In-pay” Officers Overmanned at LT 2 x FOS 3100s eligible to affiliate O-3 NAVETS drill for points / compete while waiting for pay billet Can promote in non-pay status Key skillset – acquisition qualified and current GS 1102 (contract specialist) Speak to bullets ~25 SELRES accessions annually (3100 to 3105) Highly selective Need KO’s, can’t develop those in reserve billets Mobilization ready force multipliers assisting commands to meet challenges Chief’s Message Who We Are Detailing Development Boards Reserves Myth Busting
Myth Busting Ground truth is in the references; Don’t believe the hype
Busted! SUBSPEC and AQD requests are not governed by instruction, you just have to ask for one. 1 Reference/rationale: Manual of Navy Officer Manpower and Personnel Classifications Vol I; Major Code Structures NAVPERS15839I JULY2017 (the NOOCS Manual) “…Part B provides guidance on Subspecialty Codes and Part D on AQD codes…” As a 6510, I have a guaranteed path to 3100. Busted! 2 Reference/rationale: Annual accession plan “…3100 community plans annual lateral transfer quotas into the accession plan…” I need a WSS tour to be successful. 3 Billet coding by mission, task, and function + SUBSPECs/AQDs function of skillsets required by billet + NOOCS is reference for UBSPECs/AQDs (NPC website) LDO quotas for qualified LDOs to lateral transfer into 3100 about 6-8 YCS + often more applicants than quotas + LDOs should model to 3100 Countless opportunities outside WSS (OPNAV, DLA, TYCOMs, SYSCOM, etc.) Detailer must advocate all APC waiver requests via Grad Ed Placement (PERS- 440B) + NPS adjudicates + no guarantee waiver will be approved Reference/rationale: Supply Corps Community Brief “…Challenging shore tours exist across the globe … many offer subspec development, competition and visibility…” Busted! I can have my APC waived to attend PG school. 4 Busted! Reference/rationale: “…waiver requests handled by detailer…no guarantee…” Chief’s Message Who We Are Detailing Development Boards Reserves Myth Busting
Myth Busting Ground truth is in the references; Don’t believe the hype
Busted! I need a coded assignment to compete for LCDR. 5 Reference/rationale: Community Brief “…Valued Achievements prior to LCDR: Warfare qual, DH (strongly encouraged), 2 OP tours…” Busted! 6 I can forego my 2nd Op tour because I'm going to retire. Reference/rationale: Accessions Planning process designed to LT operational billets “….OCM determines how many LTs are needed to fill future year 2nd OP tours…” 7 I was selected for a BFM internship in D.C., but I can swap for a better location. Speak to slide Busted! Reference/rationale: Internship instruction “…program and assignment location is by board selection…” Chief’s Message Who We Are Detailing Development Boards Reserves Myth Busting
The Mentor-Protégé Relationship
Trust The Mentor Relationship is Understanding self Enhancing performance Leadership growth & development Achieving career – life balance Active participation How, What & Why The good leader gets to ‘Why’ The Mentor Relationship is not Social networking Venue for favoritism Only seeking help to open doors Free Communication Honest Straightforward Essential, but not one-way Accountable for each other Best when both mentors /protégés fully committed Not singular – seek multiple mentors Lead by example + Dave Anderson (Becoming a leader of character): “Becoming a leader of character changes lives” What it’s not
What’s New eSUPPO Updates Blended Retirement System (BRS) AQDs 9L1/9L2
It’s Your Career more inclusive Messages to the Corps Latest Info Blended Retirement System (BRS) Opt-in period 1 Jan – 31 Dec 2018 Required ‘Opt-in course’ AQDs 9L1/9L2 Joint Tour Lengths and credit Tour Length is 36 mos Joint Credit in 24 mos Board Membership Announcements LDO Lateral Conversion to 3100 NAVADMIN (014/18) DTG Z JAN 18 WOBA opportunity per phasing plan Speak to slide
Learn about our community
eSUPPO APP Flashes and NAVSUP News via … visit and sign up today! Speak to slide Check out community news available on My Navy Portal and via the Chief’s Facebook page. OP is here to help!
3100 Career Progression Career Path
J.O. BASIC TECHNICAL DEVELOPMENT & LEADERSHIP ADVANCED TECHNICAL PROFICIENCY & LEADERSHIP SENIOR OFFICER DEVELOPMENT & LEADERSHIP ADMIN BOARD INTERNSHIP ADMIN BOARD CIVINS (810/811) ADMIN BOARD TRAINING W/ INDUSTRY (TWI) ADMIN BOARD O-5 OP/ COMMAND ADMIN BOARD O-6 COMMAND Typical Billets Joint /OPLOG/Acquisition/Supply Chain/TWI or O-4 Operational Tour O-5 Operational or Command Tour Joint/OPLOG/Acquisition Supply Chain/Policy Command Tour Echelon II or III Policy or Program Manager BQC Operational Tour Shore/ Internship Operational 2nd Tour Warfare Qualification DAWIA I & II/SC Masters Program/JPME I DAWIA III/Sr Svc College/JPME II/JQO EDP FY17 (FY18 boards) Career Progression slide 3100 Principal Lines of Operation with Subspecialty & AQD Alignment SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT ACQUISITION MANAGEMENT OPERATIONAL LOGISTICS OPERATIONAL AQD IA/GSA AQD Chief’s Message Who We Are Detailing Process Career Development Myth Busting Mentoring
Sustained Superior Performance matters at every rank!
Community Values Valued achievements prior to LIEUTENANT COMMANDER Warfare qualification Afloat or Expeditionary DH tour (strongly encouraged) Two operational tours (at sea, expeditionary, or both) Identified by AQD 928 (COMP1 OPTOUR) – one operational tour complete Identified by AQD 92A (ASGN2 OPTOUR) – assigned to second operational tour Identified by AQD 929 (COMP2 OPTOUR) – two operational tours complete Valued achievements prior to COMMANDER Master’s degree associated with Supply Corps lines of operation (strongly encouraged) Proven performer in at least one line of operation (strongly encouraged) Challenging shore tour, e.g., HQ/OPNAV, Fleet Staff, TYCOM, SYSCOM, Weapon Systems Support, Fleet Logistics Center, and the Joint or DLA equivalents Valued achievements prior to CAPTAIN Proven ability to lead and direct people and organizations in tough, highly visible and challenging environments Expertise in one & experience in another line of operation/competency (encouraged) O-5 Operational or Command Ashore tour, e.g., DCMA, DLA (strongly encouraged) Joint Qualified Officer (JQO) or Acquisition Corps membership (strongly encouraged) FY17 SECNAV Approved SC Promotion Board Community Brief Sustained Superior Performance matters at every rank! Chief’s Message Who We Are Detailing Process Career Development Myth Busting Mentoring
Blended Retirement System
Your Spouse Should Know … References
Internships: board selection during your first or second tour Programs Number of Billets Subspecialty Code AQDs Integrated Logistics Support (ILS) 13 1302S AL2 Business/Enterprise Supply Chain Management (BEM) 6 1309S AA2, 92E Navy Acquisition Contracting Officer (NACO) 29 1306S AC2 Business / Financial Management (BFM) 7 3111S AK1 Petroleum, Oil, & Lubricants (POL) 1307S Naval Nuclear Propulsion (NNP) 18 1302S/ 1306S/3111S AL2, AC2, AK1 Planner (PLAN) 4 AL2, JP2 Transportation (TRANS) 5 920 Joint Operational Logistics (JOL) 943, JS7 Naval Special Warfare (NSW) QK1 ACQUISITION OPERATIONAL LOGISTICS Opportunity to gain experience in SC Line of Operation and explore functional subspecialties.
Formal Education Programs
Naval Postgraduate School MBA (1302, 1306, 1309, 311X) or Master of Science (321X) JPME Phase I Payback tour in subspecialty required Civilian Institutions 810 / 811 Programs (1301/1307) BusinessWeek Top 30: 810 Program (1301) U of Kansas Petroleum Management: 811 Program (1307) *** No JPME Phase I *** Junior Service Colleges Air Force, Marine Corps and Naval War Colleges Master of Strategic Studies and JPME Phase I Army Command and General Staff College JPME Phase I only (Master’s degree optional) Training with Industry (TWI) ~ 150 eligible officers for 4 billets Supply Corps line of operation related education builds on experience to develop experts.
Defense Acquisition Corps Joint Opportunity: 06 and below 2016 JDAL
Career Progression DAC and JQO Defense Acquisition Corps Joint Qualified Officer (JQO) Joint Opportunity: 06 and below 2016 JDAL
Mentorship requires active participation
References: It’s Your Career booklets Convening Order Board Precept SC Newsletter eSUPPO app OP Monthly Roadshow MENTOR We are all mentors… LTJG/ ENS – mentor your junior Sailors LT – mentor 1st tour DIVOs LCDR – mentor LT and below CAPT/CDR – mentor LCDR and below Punch the pubs, know what’s new & changing in our community… Mentor to the Community Brief Know what promotion boards value There is no “one right way” to build your career Be Current – Know What to Ask What do I need to do to be mentored? Learn your job Learn our business Seek out those you trust Seek advice from many, not just a few Find common threads that resonate with your professional and personal goals Accounting for each other Know Yourself – Know Your Family – Come Prepared MENTEE Chief’s Message Who We Are Detailing Development Boards Myth Busting
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