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IEEE Tunisia Section: TSYP’15

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1 IEEE Tunisia Section: TSYP’15
Mehdi Bouguerra, Chair of the TSYP Congress 8/31/2019

2 Mehdi Bouguerra? Mehdi Bouguerra, Instumentation and Industrial maintenance Engineer at INSAT. IEEE volunteer since Now i m students representative at Tunisia section,the TSYP’15 chair, IEEE Day ambassador, IEEE Academic Ambasador 8/31/2019

3 TSYPTunisian Student &Young professional Congress

4 TSYP’15 The congress will be on 20-22 Decembre at Tej marhaba hotel
The hotel was selected according to our needs (many conference rooms, good service, well located, good prices..) 8/31/2019

5 Tej marhaba hotel 8/31/2019

6 Hotel offer *Demi Pension=38DT/PAX/JOUR *Pension Complète =45DT/PAX/JOUR *Réduction 15% pour 3eme&4eme lit *Pause café Simple=5DT/PAX/PAUSE *Salles de réunion=Gratuites According to the planning, each member have to pay 100dt, and our objective is that we reduce the price to 70dt 8/31/2019

7 TSYP’15 We will include Young Professional activities
We will invite 4/5 international speaker from IEEE 7 Tunisian Speaker to prensent around 9 workshops (soft skills, technical, social) We estimate 250 attendees Competitions and awards (exemplary SB, most active member…) 8/31/2019

8 Planning 8/31/2019

9 Budget number cost Accommodation 250 20750 Coffee break 500 2500
Extra water 20 badge Bandrole + display+ flyers 2 1000 Welcome package sponsors Accomodation speaker 1500 Extra (games, deco,..) 2000 Total 28020 Incomes regis. (70dt) 17500 rest 10520 8/31/2019

10 Thank you for your attention

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