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Injection Substations

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1 Injection Substations
Table 1. Onitsha Electricity Distribution Network Injection Substations, Capacities and Feeders S/N Injection Substations Rating/Capacity 11KV Feeders 1. Ugwunwanosike 15 MVA, 33/11KV Toll gate, Mkpor and Ogidi 2. Army Baracks 15MVA, 33/11KV Omagba, Minaj, GRA and Army 3. Atani 2X15MVA, 33/11KV Market, Iweka, Water works, Uga, Industrial and Premier 4. GCM 7.5 MVA, 33/11KV Habour, Golden oil, GCM and Dozzy 5. Awada I Woliwo and Nwaziki 6. Awada II Ugwuagba and Mgbemena 7. 3-3 Housing and Nsugbe Hachimenum N. Amadi et al. Analysis of Transformer Loadings and Failure Rate in Onitsha Electricity Distribution Network. American Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 2016, Vol. 4, No. 6, doi: /ajeee-4-6-2 © The Author(s) Published by Science and Education Publishing.

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