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Valmont 第五組 陳彥君、古承煒、林司晴、李家慧、余宣亞.

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Presentation on theme: "Valmont 第五組 陳彥君、古承煒、林司晴、李家慧、余宣亞."— Presentation transcript:

1 Valmont 第五組 陳彥君、古承煒、林司晴、李家慧、余宣亞

2 1 Case Introduction 2 Analysis (EVA) CONTENTS 3 Conclusion

3 01 Case Introduction

4 Valmont Industries Inc.
Company Information Valmont Industries Inc. Diversified manufacturer of structural metal products Two Business Divisions : (1) Irrigation System Division : -Center-Pivot -Linear-Move Irrigation System (2) Industrial Products Division -Industrial & Construction Product -Valmont Electric

5 Scenario Valmont’s performance was good in 1980s, but it fell on difficult times in 1990s The VP of Finance consider to use the EVA to evaluate company’s performance, hoping to motivate managers to act like shareholders and reverse Valmont’s weak performance

6 Question Should Valmont implement EVA method?
Our recommendation to Valmont’s future development?

7 Valmont Information

8 02 Analysis (EVA)

9 First, we look at whole company’s EVA
Analysis (EVA) First, we look at whole company’s EVA Industry Irrigation Total Net Asset WACC Whole Company’s EVA 1989 102148 31717 177024 10% 1380 1990 126127 29431 212136 -5985 1991 115508 27647 201413 -23756 1992 112167 23647 198903 -7296 EVA became “negative”, started from 1990

10 Next, we look at different division’s EVA
Analysis (EVA) Next, we look at different division’s EVA Division’s EVA industry irrigation total net asset WACC 1989 102148 31717 177024 10% 4573.4 9117.5 1990 126127 29431 212136 5594.3 1991 115508 27647 201413 2467.9 1992 112167 23647 198903 4518.5 EVA has turned out to be negative since 1990 due to the recession “positive”

11 industrial/construction
Analysis (EVA) Look at two segments in Industrial Products Division: valmont electric operating profit net assets EVA 1990 1991 1992 WACC 10% TAX 40% industrial/construction Operating profit Net assets EVA 1990 1991 45200 1992

12 industrial/construction
Analysis (EVA) For industrial and construction product industrial/construction Operating profit Net assets EVA 1990 1991 45200 1992 Sales in this segment were heavily dependent on public-infrastructure spending and private commercial-construction spending In 1991, the operating profit had a sharp decline because of the recession

13 industrial/construction
Analysis (EVA) For industrial and construction product industrial/construction Operating profit Net assets EVA 1990 1991 45200 1992 In December 1991, U.S. Congress passed the six-year Surface Transportation Act Increased Valmont’s business, and this caused EVA to start improving in 1992

14 Analysis (EVA) →The Cash Cow
Industrial and construction product division : Domestic lighting poles -The largest contributor to revenue -Valmont had the biggest market share -The growth had been halted →The Cash Cow Domestic utility poles -Steel’s lower lifecycle costs -More pleasing appearance -25% of the market →The Stars Wireless communication poles -Early competitor in this market -Market share was 50% -Expected double-digit growth →The Stars

15 Analysis (BCG Matrix) Three products in Industrial and Construction Product all have relatively high market potential For Domestic lighting poles The growth had come to a halt the company should continue to improve and innovate in order to get more cash flow. For Domestic utility poles and Wireless communication poles High growth rate and market share no need for the company to have investment to expand its scale. keep track of the situation after investment and adjust the strategy appropriately

16 Analysis (EVA) For valmont electric division valmont electric
operating profit net assets EVA 1990 1991 1992 Caused by the recession and restructuring its ballast operations, including moving to lower-cost locations and purchasing automated equipment In 1992, its EVA started to improve, representing that Valmont invested in high return project and the outlook was positive.So we should look at the long term

17 Analysis (EVA) Compare to its competitor, MagneTek magne tek eva
operating profit ballast motor total 1991 14.5 1.5 15.99 1992 3.46 -16.37 -12.91 1993 -8.81 -14.61 -23.42 Though the EVA of MagneTek was positive between 1991 and 1992, its market share was inherently much bigger than Valmont The net assets was increasing year by year, which means that it still has continuous investment, and investment has not begun to return yet. Though Valmont Electric’s market share was only 8%, it had great market opportunities. Hence, we regard it as the Question Mark in BCG Matrix

18 BCG Matrix of Valmont

19 03 Conclusion

20 01 Conclusion Should Valmont implement EVA method?
We think that the company should implement EVA to evaluate each divisions’ performance and give managers warning that they should use capital properly. But we think that we cannot use EVA as the only evaluation tool, because it doesn’t consider future growth.So we should combine EVA with MVA, in order to have more accurate observation of the changing trend of EVA.

21 02 Conclusion Our recommendation to Valmont’s future development?
For Industrial and Construction Product segment Though the EVA of Industrial and Construction Product segment has been positive from 1990 to 1992 Three products are the Cash Cow and Star respectively, which means high market share and low growth It is not appropriate to invest and the company should hold a conservative attitude, carefully observing the development of every division

22 02 Conclusion Our recommendation to Valmont’s future development?
For Valmont Electric We think the company should continue investing in Valmont Electric, since it’s EVA is getting better, and it has high potential in market growth. Although it’s EVA was negative during , its EVA started to improve in 1992, representing that Valmont invested in high return project and the outlook was positive.


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