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National Education Trust is an independent foundation devoted to positive change in education Maths Counts National Education Trust Justine Baker and Emma.

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Presentation on theme: "National Education Trust is an independent foundation devoted to positive change in education Maths Counts National Education Trust Justine Baker and Emma."— Presentation transcript:

1 National Education Trust is an independent foundation devoted to positive change in education Maths Counts National Education Trust Justine Baker and Emma Mills Grove School

2 National Education Trust is an independent foundation devoted to positive change in education What today is about… Problem solving, investigation, maths levels, sharing ideas and good practice

3 National Education Trust is an independent foundation devoted to positive change in education Puzzles Solutions Is there another solution? How many different solutions can you think of together?

4 National Education Trust is an independent foundation devoted to positive change in education Counting is easy, isnt it?

5 National Education Trust is an independent foundation devoted to positive change in education What do you think are the levels in counting? What are the steps in counting development, how far does this go?

6 National Education Trust is an independent foundation devoted to positive change in education Counting

7 National Education Trust is an independent foundation devoted to positive change in education Calculator skills

8 National Education Trust is an independent foundation devoted to positive change in education Pie Friday

9 National Education Trust is an independent foundation devoted to positive change in education Weight Year 3 MASS weigh, weighs, balances heavy/light, heavier/lighter, heaviest/lightest kilogram (kg), half-kilogram, gram (g) balance, scales, weight Year 6 MASS mass: big, bigger, small, smaller, balances weight: heavy/light, heavier/lighter, heaviest/lightest weigh, weighs kilogram (kg), half-kilogram, gram (g) balance, scales

10 National Education Trust is an independent foundation devoted to positive change in education Maths Talk What was the level of your maths talk?

11 National Education Trust is an independent foundation devoted to positive change in education A year 4 investigation

12 National Education Trust is an independent foundation devoted to positive change in education 5 stage investigation 1. Lots of examples 2. Organise the information 3. Look for patterns 4. Find a rule 5. Prove it!

13 National Education Trust is an independent foundation devoted to positive change in education Coffee break, back in 15 minutes… Find 5 different ways of saying 15 minutes! After break we are going to be forensic investigators of maths…

14 National Education Trust is an independent foundation devoted to positive change in education

15 Moderating maths levels

16 National Education Trust is an independent foundation devoted to positive change in education Tracking pupil progress

17 National Education Trust is an independent foundation devoted to positive change in education Tracking APS gains

18 National Education Trust is an independent foundation devoted to positive change in education Expected progress in KS2 Expected KS1 to KS2 progress 12 points, 2 national curriculum levels More than expected progress 14+ points, 3 national curriculum levels

19 National Education Trust is an independent foundation devoted to positive change in education A blink in your own school Curriculum leadership OFSTED leadership criteria Observing teaching Moderating books Professional development Performance management Pupil conversations Parental views Using your data Expected and above expected progress of individuals and groups Governance

20 National Education Trust is an independent foundation devoted to positive change in education A time to reflect Take the next 15 minutes to reflect on the strengths of maths in your school. Where you want to go next, the vision and your next steps.

21 National Education Trust is an independent foundation devoted to positive change in education Time for lunch 5 ways to say one hour?

22 National Education Trust is an independent foundation devoted to positive change in education Our morning journey Puzzles – what questions help us to think wider? Counting is easy…….isnt it The importance of maths talk 5 stage investigations Leadership of maths Progress in maths Self review in your own school

23 National Education Trust is an independent foundation devoted to positive change in education Maths Overview

24 National Education Trust is an independent foundation devoted to positive change in education Draft National Curriculum

25 National Education Trust is an independent foundation devoted to positive change in education Mental maths games HTU Im thinking of a number Input and output 1,10,100,1000 2 great mental maths activities shared with your colleagues.

26 National Education Trust is an independent foundation devoted to positive change in education Good mental maths resources

27 National Education Trust is an independent foundation devoted to positive change in education 11,22,33,66,77,99

28 National Education Trust is an independent foundation devoted to positive change in education 99 champion…1 min 23seconds Next step…101 challenge…

29 National Education Trust is an independent foundation devoted to positive change in education Calculating Calculation policy Engaging parents Home school activities

30 National Education Trust is an independent foundation devoted to positive change in education Maths environmental checklist

31 National Education Trust is an independent foundation devoted to positive change in education Supporting learners with special needs in maths

32 National Education Trust is an independent foundation devoted to positive change in education Celebrations

33 National Education Trust is an independent foundation devoted to positive change in education Maths Trail

34 National Education Trust is an independent foundation devoted to positive change in education Inspire workshops

35 National Education Trust is an independent foundation devoted to positive change in education Maths Olympiad

36 National Education Trust is an independent foundation devoted to positive change in education Thank you…

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