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Pathways Definition and Intent Getting Started Common Steps.

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1 Pathways Definition and Intent Getting Started Common Steps

2 Pathway Definition A “pathway” is comprised of a list of available education from Elsevier that offers suggestions for education by job role. Pathways detail available education and are meant as “guides” to help organizations get started with developing educational plans using the Elsevier online education and tools. Job role requirements and needs will vary by organization. Pathways were developed as a starting point to help organizations with their educational planning process. Even though pathways identify lessons from all Elsevier curricula, clients will be able to assign only education that has been licensed. Pathways are not set in stone. Lessons may be added or subtracted from the list by organizations based on organizational needs. Organizations will ultimately select desired lessons to “build” desired modules.

3 Pathways allow focused education
Intent Pathways allow focused education Pathways offer the opportunity to pinpoint education based on user type, experience, and job role – effectively and efficiently using educational time without requiring learners to take education they don’t need. Pathways also remove redundancy that may occur using generic modules.

4 Pathways are available by specialty or comprehensively by role.
Getting Started Pathways are available by specialty or comprehensively by role. Pathways identify the 1) type of user, 2) curriculum; 3) course; 4) lesson; 5) average time to complete

5 Steps Select a pathway Select licensed content Mix it up!
Consider the organization’s goal for education. Review lessons in the pathway and determine which will help achieve the goal. Select licensed content Lessons from all Elsevier curricula are listed. Identify those curricula licensed by the organization. Mix it up! Add or take away any lessons suggested in the pathway. Create focused lesson groups (modules) – consider job role requirements, learner experience, allocated time, etc.

6 Example: Nervous System & Sense Organs
Review the type of user, identify curriculum and course, select lessons, and build modules.

7 Search by Course to Build a Module

8 Build Assign Benefit Make It Happen
Using your learning management system (EPM) and the lesson groups you created, build a module by simply selecting the lessons from the list of lessons your organization licenses. Name the module anything you choose. Build Assign the modules to any individual, group, or department within your organization. Assign Observe improvement in CDI and coder performance, data quality, A/R days, CMI, quality and outcomes reporting, payment and so on… Benefit

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