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Routines and Procedures

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1 Routines and Procedures
Homework Policy Homework is given in most subject areas on a daily basis. Homework is checked in class on a daily basis. If homework is incomplete or not brought in to class, 2 points will be deducted for each missing assignment from quarterly grade in that subject area. Grading Policy Grades will be based on various assignments, tests (always announced), quizzes (usually announced), notebook grade, homework grade, preparedness, and class participation. Absent/Late Policy If a student is late to class, lateness will be noted. Being late three times will result in detention. Extra Help Extra help is available after school on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday after school from 3:05 – 3:35 in all subject areas. Classroom Rules There are general rules that we follow in the classroom. They have been discussed in class and are posted in the classroom. Breaking of rules will result in verbal warning, note/phone call home, detention, parent meeting or principal visit (for serous or multiple offenses). Do the right thing = Earn tickets! Students can earn tickets for: Tickets can be redeemed for: Getting right to work when Candy he/she enters class Prize Box Doing a good deed Computer Pass Class participation Homework Pass Exemplary behavior Free Seat Pass Well, done, neat assignments Working cooperatively

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