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We Are Connected April 10, 2019.

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1 We Are Connected April 10, 2019

2 The “myth” of the individual
What are human beings? Politics: Free individuals making choices about our lives through the exercise of whatever power is at our disposal? Economics: Self-interested individuals making choices based on our preferences to satisfy our unlimited wants? Sociology: Individuals inextricably bound up in networks of interdependence Christianity: Creatures made by a gracious and loving God for relationship with God, other people, and the whole creation Isolation can be incredibly destructive Psychologically, physiologically, physically, emotionally, we are not meant to be alone Genesis 1 and 2, especially 2:18

3 Humans are social creatures
Areas of life that require community/connection Family Commerce/Business Production Buying/Selling Education Religion Politics Healthcare Transportation Agriculture Domestication/Herding Athletics Music/Art/Entertainment Areas of life that don’t require community/connection ???????

4 We are connected Think about some of the words we use to describe ourselves Church – the “called out” ones, those who gather in response to God’s call in Christ by the Holy Spirit Community – a group of people joined together (com) into one (unitatis) Congregation – those who gather together for a specific purpose Parish – from Gk. Paroikos, meaning “to dwell alongside” Family – those related to one another by blood or marriage or choice; a grouping of related things Note the use of the language of kinship in the church – brother, sister, father, etc.

5 Connections within the church
Congregation – a gathering of individuals and/or families in one place for the purpose of worship and serving God Cluster/Conference – a group of congregations related (often geographically) that engage in shared ministry or mutual support Rolling Hills Cluster stretches from Falls City to Avoca, and from Nebraska City to Cook and Burr Synod – a group of congregations “on the way” together [Synod = syn (“with”) and hodos (“road/way/path/street”) Region – A group of synods that coordinate to share some ministries more locally than at the “Churchwide” level

6 Connections (Continued)
Churchwide expression – Includes the shared ministry of congregations and synods, as well other organizations that exist because of the mutual support given by congregations and synods. Companion synods/churches United Evangelical Lutheran Church (Argentina and Uruguay) Northern Diocese, Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania Full Communion Partners UCC (1997), RCA (1997), PCUSA (1997), MC (1999), ECUSA (1999), UMC (2009) Global Church Organizations World Council of Churches Lutheran World Federation

7 Connections (continued)
Ecumenical Dialogue African Methodist Episcopal (AME) African Methodist Episcopal Zion (AMEZ) Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) (DoC) Mennonite Church USA The Orthodox Church Roman Catholic Church Interfaith Dialogue/Relations Lutheran – Jewish Lutheran - Muslim

8 Connections (Continued)
Nebraska Synod Serving Arms Blue Valley Lutheran Homes Good Shepherd Lutheran Community Immanuel Lutheran Family Services of Nebraska Lutheran Planned Giving Services Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago Midland University Mosaic Nebraska Lutheran Campus Ministry Nebraska Lutheran Outdoor Ministries Oaks Indian Mission Tabitha Homes Wartburg Theological Seminary Mission Field Nebraska Table Grace Café Lakota Lutheran Center and Capel Iglesia Luterana San Andres United Southeast Asian Ministry Fontenelle Community Church Sudanese Messiah Worshipping Comm. Followers of Christ Prison Ministry Nile Lutheran Chapel All the Children of God (ESL Ministry)

9 We Are Connected Through Christ
John 15:1-17 – Christ is the vine, we the branches Life is found in connection with the vine Fruitfulness relies on our connection to the vine Philippians 1:3-11 Koinonia – participatory partnership Mutual support Suffering Encouragement Prayer Memory/Tradition Worship Love

10 We are connected

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