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Hoglund Brain Imaging Center

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1 Hoglund Brain Imaging Center
MRI Safety


3 MRI TERMINOLOGY Tesla (T): magnetic field strength
Gauss (G): another measurement of field strength Quench: to suppress or remove the magnetic field Ferromagnetism: the attraction between a magnet and ferromagnetic materials such as iron

4 Earth = 0.5 Gauss 1.5 Tesla = 15,000 Gauss 3 Tesla = 30,000 Gauss

5 MRI Access Zones Patient Waiting Zone I Hallway Zone II Control Room Zone III Zone I: Trained personnel may escort and are responsible for subjects Zone II: Trained personnel must screen all subjects entering Zone IV Zone III and IV: Restricted Access Areas Scanner Zone IV

6 Read all signs before entering room

7 24 Hours a Day 7 Days a Week 365 Days a Year

8 Main Magnetic Field Projectile or Missile Effect
Electronics Interference

9 Examples of what needs to stay in lockers

10 These items MUST be MRI Safe to enter the scanner room

11 Can enter scanner room Needs to be approved by MRI staff NOT MRI SAFE

12 Subjects with these items will NOT be scanned
Pacemakers/Defibrillators Neurostimulators Lyric Hearing Aids Electronic Cochlear Implants May cause the device to MALFUNCTION and may cause DEATH

13 Gradient Field Hazards
Acoustic Noise Peripheral Nerve Stimulation (PNS)

14 Acoustic Noise Problems
Annoyance Verbal Communication Difficulties Heightened Anxiety Temporary Hearing Loss In Extreme Cases, Permanent Hearing Impairment

15 Protect Hearing Ear Plugs are Mandatory in the Scanner

16 Peripheral Nerve Stimulation (PNS)
Rapid switching of the gradients may cause tingling and/or twitching in the hands, feet, or face

17 Radio Frequency Pulses
Can Cause Tissue Heating Antennae Effect

18 Excessive Heating Power deposition measured by SAR (Specific Absorption Rate) Dependent on several factors, including subject’s height, weight, and thermoregulation Safety is regulated by FDA

19 Burns (Antenna Effects)
Equipment such as ECG leads and patient monitoring cables Metal on or in clothing Crossing arms/hands and legs/feet

20 Invisible metallic microfiber in clothing presents unrecognized MRI risk for cutaneous burn.
A case of a thermal burn has occurred during MR imaging likely caused by silver-embedded microfibers in the fabric of an undershirt. As the prevalence of fabric containing nondetectable metallic microfiber increases in athletic and "tech" clothing, the importance of having patients change into safe facility-provided garments before MR imaging is emphasized.

21 First Degree Burn Considerations
Transdermal Patch Metallic Nail Polish Body Piercings Bullets/BB’s Hearing Aids IUD Metal Shrapnel Hair Gel & Deodorant Tattoos

22 Screen for all metal implants and devices
Screen for surgeries Judge on a case by case basis Be Conservative. If there is any question, call for clarification

23 Remove Personal Items Research participant’s personal items must be secured in lockers. Researchers must remove personal items before entering scanner room. Hair Pins/Clips Fit Bit Money Clips Jewelry Cell Phones Credit Cards Watch Keys Pens Badges Coins Lanyard

24 Remove Non-Projectile Items
Credit Cards Flash Drives CD’s

25 Not Allowed In Zone IV Crash Cart AED Oxygen Tanks
Metal or Electrical Equipment Emergency Response Team

26 “Playground” Rules Respect Other Researchers Scheduling
During In-Progress Scans Respect Privacy of our Subjects Send Required Paperwork

27 What Can Happen When Rules Are Not Followed?

28 Good Luck with your Research

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