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Ch. 3 Managing Stress.

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1 Ch. 3 Managing Stress

2 Stress and Your Health Cardiovascular Disease: Causes high blood pressure and plaque buildup. Impaired Immunity: Elevated levels of adrenal hormones destroy or reduce white blood cells.

3 Sources of Stress 1 2 3 4 5 6

4 Managing Your Stress Assessing Your Stressor Changing Your Responses
Learning To Cope Downshifting Fighting The Anger Urge Changing The Way You Think Exercising Eating Right Managing Your Time Support Groups

5 Negative Coping Strategies
Frequent us of OTC drugs Use of valium or other tranquilizers Use of alcohol Fasting or eating binges Excessive smoking

6 Stress: Mental and physical response of our bodies to the changes of our lives. Stressor: A physical, social, or psychological event or condition that causes the body to adjust to a specific situation.

7 Eustress: Positive stress that presents opportunities for personal growth. Ex: getting married, starting school, beginning a career, new friendships.

8 Distress: Negative stress that can have a negative effect on health
Distress: Negative stress that can have a negative effect on health. Ex: financial difficulties, death, academic difficulties, relationship breakup.

9 The Body’s Response to Stress
Alarm-----Resistance-----Exhaustion Fight or Flight: Physiological reaction in which the body prepares to combat or escape a real or perceived threat.

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