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Availability of Seeds Joint Secretary (Seeds)

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1 Availability of Seeds Joint Secretary (Seeds)
Department of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers Welfare Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi

() REQUIREMENT AND AVAILABILITY OF CEREALS SEEDS (QUANTITY IN LAKH QTLS) Crop Requirement Availability Surplus Paddy 65.99 70.73 4.76 Bajra 2.36 2.56 0.18 Sorghum 1.36 1.39 0.04 Maize 10.13 11.08 0.95 Nutri Cereals* 0.32 0.48 0.16 Cereals Total 80.16 86.24 6.09 * Minor shortfall in Nutri Cereals (Little, Kodo, Bernyard Millet)

() REQUIREMENT AND AVAILABILITY OF PULSES SEEDS (QUANTITY IN LAKH QTLS) Crop Requirement Availability Surplus Arhar 2.70 2.97 0.27 Urd 2.15 2.49 0.34 Moong 1.86 2.62 0.76 Rajmash .06 0.06 Other pulses 1.44 1.51 0.07 Pulses Total 8.21 9.65 * Minor shortfall in Cowpea (3483 qtls). This will met from farm save seed.

() REQUIREMENT AND AVAILABILITY OF OILSEEDS (QUANTITY IN LAKH QTLS) Crop Requirement Availability Surplus Groundnut 18.28 19.25 0.98 Soybean 30.41 33.42 3.01 Sunflower 0.14 0.17 0.02 Sesame 0.20 0.22 Niger 0.03 0.04 0.01 Castor 0.44 0.53 0.09 Oilseeds Total 49.50 53.63 4.13

() BREEDER SEED PRODUCTION (QUANTITY IN 000 qtls) Crops Cereals 26.7 29.6 27.7 Pulses 11.0 13.2 13.5 Oilseeds 24.2 29.4 31.9 Total (Including cotton/ Jute & fodder) 62.5 72.9 74.1

Some quality complaints Short supply No/ less production State often changing the seed production programme

7 SEED ROLLING PLAN Finalized the State Seed Rolling Plan with New high yielding varieties in consultation with ICAR for Kharif, 2021. Finalize the breeder seed Indent with new varieties in consultation with stakeholder for Kharif, 2021. State is requested to lift the full indented quantity for covert into foundation and certified seeds .


9 New Initiatives taken Weekly meetings have been initiated for addressing the issues related to seed raised by public and private sectors Soybean Seed To overcome the breeder seed deficit, four meetings were held collectively by ICAR and DAC at Delhi and IISR, Indore One meeting involving all breeder and quality seed producing agencies from ICAR, SAUs, NSC and State Ag. Departments was held by ICAR and DAC under Chairmanship of Secretary, DARE and DG, ICAR and strategy to address the issue was made Varietal mismatches and inclusion of new varieties in Seed Chain Communication of state-wise crop varieties released during last five years to all states as potential substitute of old varieties Protocol for seed rolling plan was developed, shared with all states Seed rolling plan based was made after series of consultation (SIX Meetings) with Crop Breeders, NSC, state seed production agencies and seed associations Breeder seed indents of Kharif crops were finalized with individual states involving Director/Project Coordinators of different Kharif crops

10 Berseem Seed Seed of Berseem Variety Mescavi is being imported from Egypt for last many years to the tune of to tonnes every year Promotion of indigenous berseem seed production is required to save the foreign exchange and for profitability of farmers. A brainstorming meeting was organised To discuss the issues in seed production, marketability, varietal performance etc. To further develop strategies and action plan to enhance the quality seed production of Berseem varieties and to control the berseem seed imports. National Seed Research and Training Centre, Varanasi A review of NSRTC was done by a committee under Chairmanship of ADG (Seed) Recommendations for strengthening of NSRTC interms of infrastructure and Human Resources have been given Expansion of the Centre by establishing its Regional Centres to cover all the STLs and submitting the report of reference samples before sowing season and market survey has also been suggested

11 VEGETABLE SEEDS In order to produce good quality farm saved vegetable seeds, it is proposed to include vegetable seeds in the Seed Village Programme. In order encourage the farmers for taking up of certified vegetable seeds, it is proposed to include vegetable seeds in the certified seed production through Seed Village Programme. Monitoring of Vegetable breeder, foundation and certified seed production by Seeds Division

12 EXISTING SCHEMES Seed village programme to upgrade farm saved seeds Certified seed production from foundation seed through seed village Establishment of seed processing and storage unit at gram panchayat level Creation of seed infrastructure for public sector Transport subsidy on Movement of Seeds to North Eastern States etc. Assistance for Boosting Seed Production in Private Sector

13 ACTIONABLE POINT Development of Seed Bar Coding and software for breeder seed & seed production chain thereof At present, there is no traceability of seeds from breeder seeds to certified seeds. There is no system for monitoring truthfully labeled seeds at Central level. Chances of distributing of spurious / sub standard seeds to the farming community. For effective monitoring of seed multiplication system, Seed Bar Coding and software for breeder seed & seed production chain thereof is proposed to be developed.

14 ACTIONABLE POINT Development of DNA finger printing.
Genetic purity is compulsory labeling standard. Grow Out Test is the only mechanism available to test the genetic purity which will takes 2 -3 months. This will lead non testing of genetic purity some of the crop and supply of poor quality seed. In order to test the genetic purity of seed in short a time, it is proposed DNA finger printing should be develop for examine the genetic purity of seeds.

15 Demonstration for promoting new varieties
For quick adaptation of new varieties by the farmers after seeing actual performance of particular varieties in the field. The Demonstrations are proposed to be conducted through State Department of Agriculture / State Institutions and Central Institutes. Upto 5 years old varieties are only allowed Amount per demonstration.

16 Popularizing new varieties through free distribution of Seed minikits
To promote quick spread of new varieties/hybrid of millets, oilseeds, pulses, fodder, fibre, green manure crops minikits of seed varieties (for 1 acre area) for 5 years old varieties proposed to provide free of cost to the farmers through Department of Agriculture /PSU/ Cooperatives etc.

17 Strengthening of the capacity and support for Seed Law Enforcement.
ACTIONABLE POINT Strengthening of the capacity and support for Seed Law Enforcement. Strengthening of seed certification agencies. Capacity Building Promotion of seed export. Seed health standards. Establishment/ up gradation of seed testing laboratories.


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