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Year 7 RE: The Island Unit Overview.

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1 Year 7 RE: The Island Unit Overview

2 Keywords Key Topic Content Topic skills & attributes:
In this unit you will explore the key concepts and skills you will need to be a top RE student at Wildern. In this unit you will become part of your own imaginary island community. Keywords Keyword Definition Celebration Character Commandment Community Diary Evaluate Marriage Responsibility Rites of passage Symbol Topic skills & attributes: Debate Evaluate Analyse Empathise Create Role Play Interpret Investigate ICT Respect Pride Reflect Curiosity Determination Other skills for life: This unit will help you to develop some key enterprise capability skills which will be important for life: Confidence: Can you argue your case around the island campfire meetings? Leadership: Can you lead your group in preparing for life on the island? Creativity: much of the work will require you to express your ideas in a creative way. Decision making: The whole unit will require you to make crucial decisions and justify your views under pressure. Assessment: There is one formal assessment at the end of the unit in which you will be asked to think about the importance of rites of passage. You will use self and peer assessment in this unit.

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