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Read Sections 47.2 to 47.6 starting on page 606.

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Presentation on theme: "Read Sections 47.2 to 47.6 starting on page 606."— Presentation transcript:

1 Read Sections 47.2 to 47.6 starting on page 606.
UNIT 13: The CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT Chapter 47B: The Widening Struggle: Why and how did the civil rights movement expand? CH47 “Event Cards”: Read Sections 47.2 to 47.6 starting on page 606. Complete the event cards as you read. Write and match the Titles of the events from the list below: Election of Harvey Milk Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Reparations for internment of Japanese Americans Indian Self-Determination Act Creation of Medicare Bilingual Education Act Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) Founding of American Association of Retired People (AARP) 4. Create the Images/Icon/Drawing to the events from the readings. 5. Write the Date of the event on each card. Write 2-3 significant facts about each event.

2 UNIT 13: The CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT Chapter 47B: The Widening Struggle: Why and how did the civil rights movement expand? BENCHMARK REVIEW & T-O-T-D: BM: The Marshall Plan provided economic aid after World War II in order to …. strengthen Western European nations against communism. (by providing loans that required repayment by American goods & services) B. assist soldiers returning to civilian life. C. help Japan rebuild damage caused by the atomic bombs. D. raise the standard of living in Africa and Asia. T-O-T-D: Physically write down then, verbally tell Mr. Galindo, 1 new thing you learned today on the way out the door. REMEMBER CH47 KCTS DUE

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