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UCSF and Global Health Institutional Infrastructure for Global Health Projects Role of Surgery and Global Health Future Opportunities and Research.

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2 UCSF and Global Health Institutional Infrastructure for Global Health Projects Role of Surgery and Global Health Future Opportunities and Research

3 UCSF and Global Health Over 200 international projects: International faculty and funded research Volunteerism and humanitarian projects Africa, Americas, Asia, E. Europe Departments dedicated to global health: S/M Office of International Medical Education UCSF-UCB Institute for Global Health (IGH) AIDS Research Institute (ARI) Center for AIDS Prevention Studies (CAPS)

4 UCSF Global Health Sciences Background Established in 2003 by the Chancellor Bishop Haile T. Debas, Executive Director Purpose Campus-wide initiative to coordinate global projects Capacity-building, sustainable programs, and equitable partnerships

5 Initial Affiliated Programs AIDS Research Institute Basic Sciences (drug development, microbial infections) Cancer Center (Genetic Epidemiology) Center for Health and Community Epidemiology Institute for Global Health Institute for Health Policy Studies Proctor Foundation for Eye Diseases

6 UCSF Global Health Sciences Resource: project database, faculty, funding Education: GHS Project Seminar (2/2005) Technical support: management, administration, funding sources Coordination: network among various academic disciplines and schools

7 UCSF Global Health Sciences Academic Objectives: Training, Education, Research Training Partnership with institutions in developing countries Education Health workforce education - design new curriculum - continued medical education (CME) Research Multidisciplinary research on issues of global importance

8 UCSF Global Health Sciences Developing Projects and Partnerships Tanzania Ministry of Health (MOH) and National Institute of Medical Research (NIMR) Vietnam Pharmacy workforce education and drug development Uganda Surgery clinical exchange Research development

9 UCSF Global Health Sciences Future Directions What is the role of surgery and global health and the relationship between surgery and GHS? Training and Education Advanced or specialty clinical trainingTechnology/skills Continued medical education (CME) Evidence-based practice Development of educational curriculum and surgical protocols Quality control and assurance

10 UCSF Global Health Sciences Future Directions Surgical Research in Global Health is a developing field Research Public Health: Cost-effectiveness/health system Epidemiology: Global Surgical Burden of Disease Trauma and Injury Prevention Collaborative Research Partnerships

11 UCSF Global Health Sciences Summary: Development of surgery and global health as a discipline International interest in surgery is increasing Formalized relationship between academics and global health Opportunity for surgical innovation and leadership in global health worldwide

12 Thank You Special Thanks: Joyce McKinney Sarah MacFarlane


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